Thursday, January 21, 2016

The Grace Called "TIME"
I was searching for answers about scattering my energy in so many different ways that I felt exhausted and misdirected.  At first, I felt like I have accomplished many things as I ran through my checklist ( that is the planner in me that can't help without jotting down things to do in a day).  Still I felt like I still lack the time to do many things.  

Today, while discussing with a colleague named Suzy, she simply stated "perhaps you can ask for the grace of TIME".  That statement was like a spark in the middle of a long search.  Months have passed and I felt like everyday, I lack the time to write.  I did what I had to do at work but I always felt at the end of the day to have lacked the time to write for this blog site.  

What made me write in the past was that sort of "6th sense" in me to be able to assess an experience during the day that is worth sharing.  And I seemed to have lost that part when I could easily position myself in front of the computer and simply ...write.  So I became a "walking writer" inside my head running words as if I was writing them.  Everyday, is like a repetitive silent discourse running inside my head.  It was kind of noisy inside.  I always thought of writing them but to my dismay.  I always landed in bed tired and woke up the following day with regret at not doing it. 

Today, thus is a strong resolve to go back to writing.  My friend Suzy simply defined that grace which I need to have - "Time".  I felt like I wasted so much it months back.  I thought I did what was essential.  I did my job at work ...I think I see it...but God wanted to engage me more (as I see it since I felt bothered with not doing it) with His work at sending message...This time, I feel I am doing it right...

My prayer to God from this day forward is that He will give me that grace ....called "TIME" to focus on the essential part of this mission...:-) Amen...

PS: My thanks to Ma'am Suzy for that spark of "wisdom" today.  Perhaps you my friends could ask the same to God for yourself ...:-) what do you think and feel about it? 

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

My Blog Site Turns 5 Joyfully Hopeful Years

I actually forgot posting this.  I wrote this article months back to acknowledge an initiative that I thought would not reach as far as 5 years.  Actually it brought me tot ears realizing that writing was actually my passion and I have not really acknowledged it until more than 5 years ago when I got inspired by a Jesuit priest Fr. Frank Savadera, SJ. 

Years passed swiftly.  I never expected it would "survive" and reach 5 years  (last August 2015). It was a simple journey of an unexpected hmmmm or shall I say "accidental" writer who just wanted to express some significant parts of the journey...which may and can perhaps be a message of inspiration to others.  

You may  ask "what do you mean by huge success?"... Well, my blog site never received highest point / rate in terms of those who drop by here and read.  Mine does not have the perfect grammar and sentence construction as you may have discovered them in my writings.  Mine is not even consistent in terms of publishing my writings regularly.  Moreover, as far as I know, nobody has written (except some few close friends- my "mutual admiration club" hahahhaha) a formal review about the contents of this site so that I would know how it affected them and some people.

Success thus, refers to the truest and sincerest self I had / have that does the writing despite the long moths of silence and the persistence to still stick with the journey of writing.  Success at my end does not follow some standards from the perspective of others. Success simply means just being my true self who captured some moments of sparks in a day and translated them into words.  However others perceived this site is no longer my concern.  There may be times that I thought of turning this one "off".  But still the grace remains to allow silence to occur to make my heart ripe to go back to writing.

I still thank God more than anything in this world to have still reminded me that I still have "this work" to do to continue writing to put my daily journey into writing.  

To me and to this blog site...HAPPY 5 YEARS  despite posting this late...there will be more to come...keeping it alive still by God's surprises and daily "crafting" and grilling through my heart.  

Thank you God!!!!!


I like the most “small and simple”.  It makes life a lot easier.  The irony is that, I have the most tendency to do complicated things.  To plan out complicated ways of doing things.  To multi task so as to accomplish so much within just as short span of time.  And I always find it so tiring pursuit.  Still, a lot of times, I do them over and over again until it breaks me and wellbeing combined.  I become rugged also with how I think until I noticed yesterday that I struggled with they way I said things and presented ideas to my students. 

Actually, I got the title above from a youtube Christmas movie.  A phrase stated by a mother entitled “Tis the Season for Love”  (  The story goes with the idea of chasing one’s dreams in the city as Broadway performer yet there was a struggle with getting the spot in the show.  When the main character decided to go home for Christmas, she found herself so at home and felt peace with what she was doing.  Special love interest brought her closer to search of finding herself.  And, the idea of the “small and simple “ came in as stated by the mother. 

“The Small and Simple”.  Yes, this one hit my heart so hard.  It always brings me back to the basic.  First application that I thought of is with my students.  I always tell and remind them about using simple words when they deliver their report.  The simple words that would make them be understood by their classmates since they have the tendency to move away from the essentials of the content. 

Second, is in facilitating discussions during workshops, trainings, conferences, etc.  I have to prepare a guide to focus on what is again essential.  I also have the tendency to “roam around” and drift away from the topic.  My skill in facilitating springs from the inner / gut feel that discussion may go far if I don’t do something to refocus or lead the discussion to the right direction.  I just have the inner sense about things to simply focus and look at the simplest and basic.

Lastly, being so busy at work, always reminds me that I have a family to go home to.  A husband and a very playful girl that waits for mommy to play and snuggle with.  For more than 5 months in my current job as a university instructor, exposes me with varied things on the job.  I felt the soaring excitement from day 1 until the moment.  But beyond busy work life on the day to day basis is a reminder …always a reminder that the smallest and simplest that I could do is to go home to my family and just be myself.   The “small and simple” for me is that which is so close to my heart.  Family.  The “Small and simple” …that is where my heart is….FAMILY.