Friday, January 20, 2017



We may have gone through that toughest experience of the flood, however, firstly,  I don't want anyone of you to feel guilty at not being there during the flood...I would like to reiterate what stated - as comment to ma'am Marivic Rotoras...that where we were during the flood was where we should be and called to be. It did not mean that being in the flood,  is a punishment and the others were sort of "saved" because they were able to go out the campus before the flood...God's wisdom abounds in all the circumstances of our lives.

Secondly, someone stated in the past "goodluck...badluck who knows"... I just believe that everything that happened with us has a reason...Only God in his wisdom has known the depth of this experience and why this happened. It will be futile to ask from our standpoint "why"...what would be wiser is to trust that everything in God's divine wisdom works for good.

Thirdly, there may be pointing of fingers of who's at fault.. I tell, you attitude like this will make us sink deeper and far more into the mud of life not facing our accountabilities and truly responding with the problem...In whatever circumstance of life, we will be challenged and measured in terms of the depth of our character. Life will neutrally present us with whatever situation there is. Again, what matters most is our CHARACTER...The challenge is for all of us ...TO RISE TOGETHER AND START AGAIN. I believe God is truly with us. It does not matter the number of floods that would strike us. 

Lastly, PLEASE...let us stop pointing fingers to who is at fault and washing our hands declaring that we did not commit mistakes. As humans we know that we commit mistakes. But the question is "how responsible can we be at finding solutions to our problems rather than spending so much time blaming each other?".   Moreover, our effort should not be because we are afraid with what others may say outside of the university. It should be focused on love and support for each other. Thus, to all of you, teachers and SHS students, we will work together at focusing and finding solutions to our current situation…in whatever way we can. 

Together, we are placed in this USTP community – the Senior High School…at the right time and place and where God's wisdom is put forth for us to be channels of his presence. We are all called to be his instruments. WE SHOULD NEVER FORGET THAT. As his INSTRUMENTS...WE ARE ALL CALLED TO DO SOMETHING POSITIVE AND NOT RUIN EACH OTHER..




Monday, January 16, 2017

Just While I am In the Middle of the Flood

taken by Mr. Sigfrid Tong - USTP SHS Faculty

I am right in the middle of a flooded area..our school.  With everyone - employees and students together.  I feel helpless.  I prayed but could not totally utter everything. I am simply afraid - for myself, my students ..our students and my family upland (though i know they are safer there).   

I received calls, txt messages and facebook messages from loved ones.  What happened today?  I came to school feeling tired and weak.  I was sick yesterday and was struggling to get up and report to work.  I wanted so much to be absent.  I wanted to take a sick leave so that I could simply savor the day by getting that sleep which I feel so deprived of for days.  However, I stood still and decided to report to work.  

As I gave a one last look at myself on the mirror, I saw a very weak, pale eyes.  Still I declared, I needed to go to work. As I drove off, I felt that I just have to steal some rest lunch however, I decided to go to the mall to buy some stuffs when the rain poured heavily and fast.  I breezed back to work and parked the car at the elevated part near the building. 

I did not think of any heavy rain or storm. I just continued working and ate some snacks with my colleagues.  When I felt the rain seemed to have poured more and heavier, I decided to call some teachers to pull out students from some part of the university and transfer to a safer location.  

I began to notice the water around us rising much higher and I felt alarmed when my attention was called about my car since water level has reached almost near the body already.  I bravely went down and moved it up higher.  To my dismay and still, water level reached almost the topmost of the car.  

My husband was calling me from time to time.  I was txting some priest fiends Fr. Xavier and Fr. Norlan for prayers.  I prayed hard...however difficult it was.  I had questions in my mind which I honestly did not want to entertain.  But I just felt that we are not ready for such disaster that surround us at this time.  Still it happened and yet I was afraid and feel responsible for our students.

Did I regret that I report to school?  I should have stayed home and be safer.  But, I never felt the regret despite the fact that the car was drowned..without food and very less liquid intake.  I feel that I am here at the right time. To simply journey with our students and colleagues who are stranded with me.  To simply understand how a crisis could turn into a much deeper bonding, helping and giving the last sliced cake I had, last set of coffee that we could share to the students, get a little sleep with wet clothes for daring to move that car thinking it could still be saved, to laugh with colleagues with the extra comfort of laughter despite the fear...I feel I am in the right place at such perfect time.  The flood...this flood challenged  me and my desire for comfort.  I simply realize that comfort is where God is ...where God's people may be needing us ...and me at the hour of crisis like this.  

...I feel so sleepy now...and I miss so much my husband and little girl who likes to simply stay beside me and that mommy's "magic" warm embrace...soon...I will be home my two lovies...:-) ...yawn... I just hope and pray that we could be more vigilant at keeping everyone safe.. love and prayers for those who shared their prayers for us...God will get back at you with His warm embrace...:-)