Monday, May 23, 2011

Back In Shape

Today I just decided to get back in shape with blogging. I just feel the urge to write. I feel the invitation. I have been on deaf ears and my heart seem to be so clogged up with stressors. It has coughed out and seem to be relieved. Though still in the process of carving, it has slowly put its words and now coming out through my fingers through ... the key board.

Life’s drama continues to unfold…in my daily writings. The heavens has cried out and now it is…SHAPING…

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Process

Swooshhhhhh...suddenly, i just stopped blogging simply because, I got lost. I lost my "eyesight" with things, with life...with the essentials. And so I stopped. I spent time with myself. Soul searching. And so where's my soul? toink lost nga...

Hahay bitaw oi. It was such a journey :

First Stage : So busy with a lot of things
Second Stage : lost focus and became forgetful with things
Third Stage : Was on a "horse ride" accomplishing things
Fourth Stage : Got Sick
Fifth Stage : The Assessment : Questions such as "Where am I? What am I doing? Where am I heading? Why am I doing this?
Sixth Stage : The Pause without Answers Plus the Humility
Seventh Stage : Acceptance
Eighth Stage : Charting the New Course
Ninth : Not yet the End...starting to face the new challenges...

Would this lead to writing a book? I guess so...Fireeeee!!!!!!!! heheheheh