Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Mikaela's Activities - Homeschooling and Socialization

First and foremost, every time I open up homeschooling arrangement with my friends, they would specifically express their concern about socialization. Homeschooling is an exclusive arrangement.  It is schooling that happens at home but not exclusively that.  That is why Mikaela connects with a school named Think Preparatory Uptown as one of here venues for socialization.

The logo of Think Prep Uptown
From research, socialization need not be many people or kids.  In fact we adults, we do quality socialization with few individuals only.  Thus, one or two quality socialization with other kids will build them up well.

with her friend Carmela at the Church

With Mikaela, she goes regularly to one of SM's playhouses in the city.  She climbs, crawls, hops, shots balls, slides, connects with other children during play and  I could hear her giggles, shouts and laughter when she engages there. 

At home, I especially designed her work/study area so that she would be comfortable at performing her tasks during all academic and non-academic activities that we made her engaged in including her unlimited daily speech training/therapy (I made it sound like it is easy but it is not, yet we thought of doing it especially for the girl).

The study/activity area at home

Mikaela engaged in the activity

The Bulletin for academic practice

Mikaela also does Montessori type activities such the regular chores of folding her own clothes, putting plates on the table, eating by herself, brushing her teeth, fixing the bed and putting back toys in the bin,  a little of mapping the floor (hahahha we need to buy the smaller map) and sweeping the floor. 

Well, life is not boring with me around ha...we both dance together and I play the horse while she stays at my back with her giggles and shouts (unlimited ahahha).  She prays too...in fact, she can now memorize "Angel of God" with her sometimes twisted pronunciation sometimes.  She joins family prayer every night and even reminds us her parents of prayer time.  And ohhh the unlimited sketching that she passionately does (she is the amazing artist).

Starting to frame Mikaela's work

...a lot more to say in just a matter of 5 months (she did many things already) of this semi homeschooling...I will be sharing more about how we dealt with her when she becomes emotional in the house (well take a look at her sketches...you may notice how emotional intelligence has started to shape) ...
Homeschooling happens any time of the day (huhu sometimes it happens dawn time for the girl...she sometimes wake up 1am and sleeps 4am...books are made available on the floor for her to explore)

The Semi Homeschooling Arrangement

Someone asked me, one time, what semi homeschooling arrangement is.  Actually, I invented it.  I don't know if there is such a thing.  I only heard of homeschooling and the regular school arrangement where the kid has to actually go to school. The semi homeschooling was a concept that came out when we decided not to make our daughter proceed to grade 1 yet after her graduation in kinder last April 2018.

Crazy, right?  But I would say that I and my husband are not the regular parents that get pressured with what is commonly done (actually at first we were pressured thinking that what is, may not be the best for our kids).  Given our daughter's speech delay (not language delay) we had to explore all means possible so that she could be responded well with her need.  

So we started the semi homeschooling arrangement for our daughter.  Why semi homeschooling?  We integrated life skills and academics at home and her socialization with a preschool (owned by my friends Carla and Dennis Medrano)- Think Prep Uptown.  

The concept homeschooling started when I was yet pregnant with my daughter.  I happened to read and research more about it from the concept of homeschooling done by Bo Sanchez and his team together with their principles of practice in homeschooling and I loved it (to the bones hahahahah). 

The principle states of the following for the child :  be able to explore his / her passion, learning style, learning pace, does not use fear and punishment to motivate, use test to gauge child's capacity, nurture a love for learning, ordinary life events as classroom (so wide and smart, right), make work and service essential to the formation, strengthen family relationship and share one's faith and values to the child.  

I and my husband Michael are idealistic.  We know our daughter's shortcoming, and we found a way to best respond to her needs.  We saw her already with regular school. From our researches, we thought it would be too early to engage her with grade 1 competencies so she might as well go through with homeschooling yet find a school where she could engage in other activities and part of socialization.

Please note that this is an experiment while we wait for her to be ready for grade 1 (as I thought).  As an academician myself, I tried to :

1. name the  homeschooling (without yet registering it)
2. vision and mission
3.  Principles of Homeschooling
4.  Curriculum Guide (patterned after Dep Ed)
5. Daily modules aligned with the curriculum

I and my husband arranged the delivery of instruction (actually, he took professional education for this).  She also follows the daily schedule stated below (though not so strictly since Mikaela likes to really explore more by herself and we highly respect that.

From here, I would say that direction is on and has taken its toll since we started.  More to say for the next blog and the tasks that the girl does...:-) 

...truly, I find her so amazing...beautiful...etc. heheheh and God amazingly surprise us parents through Mikaela's responses and subtle transformation ..every single day...:-)  

Note :  Remember ...this is yet an experiment:-) Homeschooling is not common here in our place...Cagayan de Oro City..Philippines...

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

What's On Your Mind : A Mental Health Awareness

"You are Not Alone"
I was surprised by a group of senior high students at our university when they got inside our office bringing a green ribbon that says "YOU ARE NOT ALONE".  This was a project that they did after they joined a seminar on Mental Health Awareness initiated by Mr Jerwin S. Borres, the Assistant Head for Non Academics and Formation of Students of the USTP - Senior High School unit. 

"What's on Your Mind".  So many thoughts, perceptions, inner dialogues could happen inside our mind.   One may believe that they are real.  Even events in the past tend to be repeated (inside our mind).  They could trigger intense emotional response which may either make or break a person.  

USTP - SHS Students with Hannah Homiguera, Students Governing Council President and Mr Jerwin S. Borres, the Asst Head for Non-Academics and Student Formation 
The participants of the seminar/workshop were the USTP senior high school students ( more than 600 of them).  This was facilitated by two (2) Registered Guidance Counselors, namely, Ms Mercelyn Tanog (Head of the USTP Guidance office and Mr Rustom Salvana, a college faculty.  It was an intense encounter as students were allowed to express how they feel about varied realities in their lives such a relationship with family members, opposite gender, studies and many more. 

USTP - SHS Students Places Green Ribbon "You Are Not Alone" to a College student 

The thing is, the struggle is real.  Some felt like giving up and the seminar has exulted them making them hope and find meaning and reason to continue living. 

Hello there...I have my Green Ribbon, too
From the seminar/workshop, the students wanted to share such hope to other students who may be experiencing similar struggles.  They distributed green ribbons to college students sending the message of emotional support to them.  

At my end, being a Principal of the Senior High and having observed varied emotional upheavals of adolescents, I support and say "YOU ARE NOT ALONE".   
Ms Hannah Homiguera, USTP - SHS -
Governing Council President 

PS.  I thank our active student Leader Hannah Homiguera and the team of students leaders for supporting Mr Jerwin S. Borres in his initiative to implement this cause for young people. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

How Should We Erase the 'Filipino Time' Mentality


 I was interviewed by a group of computer engineering students two days ago.  They are testing a cell phone application, an alarm that can sound at random prior to the final time set to wake up (for example).  I then asked them what my role is in the creation of the application.  They mentioned being interrogated by their professor related to how this could respond to the "Filipino time" concept interpreted as "always late" in the psychological perspective.

So the main question that they asked for me to respond was: "How could we erase the 'Filipino time' mentality?"  given my background in psychology.

My answer sounded like this:

The "Filipino time" may have sprung somewhere in the past... handed down from generation to generation.  We may not know exactly who started such a concept ( i did not dare read more about this).   The psychology behind the formation of behaviour may have come from a reinforced and repeated practice that may be acknowledged and accepted everytime it occurs or happens.  

To change a behaviour is a personal decision.  I was also getting the impression that the app seemed to reinforce further the behaviour at not waking up immediately due to the randomized alarm prior to the final waking up.  So how would you be able to solve "Filipino time" practice of adolescents? Your application has to ignite and motivate the person setting the alarm to wake up immediately.  Randomized alarm set will defeat that purpose.

For the student researchers, they were so desperate to solve the concern/challenge thrown to them by their professor.  They even wanted to add a feature of the app such as the use of either reinforcement or punishment whenever the person will not still with the time set to wake up. However, I told them punishment may change the behaviour but the motivation to do that is out of fear compared to the positive approach to changing a behaviour or attitude.

My dear readers, our attitude could be changed by personal decision.  Others may be giving us information or ideas how to go about it but the action comes from us.  I further told the students to continue with the project.  They can experiment also on the use of either positive reinforcement or those that may challenge personal accountabilities (for not waking up or coming to agreed meeting time).  However, the emphasis and focus are on the establishment of personal discipline and commitment with time.   Having positive reinforcements also may form behaviour.  But a person cannot be dependent on this all the time to change oneself.  It should be that even without the reinforcement the person continues and firmly resolves to stick with what is agreed upon, upholds personal discipline and shows up or wakes up on time.

Does this make sense to you?

Friday, August 31, 2018

The Need to Make Children Love Learning in School

My dear friend Ann told me this afternoon how her daughter has become pressured at school to do spelling.  Oh her daughter is a kinder 2 pupil ( she skipped Kinder 1) and she is 5 years old.  Ann told me that her daughter does not like to go to school anymore everytime her teacher made them engage in spelling.  

My curiosity made me ask Ann further.  "What about her classmates?"  The answer was "they cry". And I thought "wow"  aaammmmmazing (did I say the right word?).  Or, shall I say "madness".   And I exclaimed out of anger and disgust "they are actually trying to kill the love of learning that could come out from a young innocent child.  

What could the school be trying to prove?  The school may be thinking that engaging the child in a hardcore academic experience may train and harness their brains and may show to the world its so-called "prowess"  with its high academic standards thinking that they could extract the geniuses in those kids...

I am a mother of a 6-year-old girl named Maria Mikaela who started kinder in a public elementary school at 4 years old.  She was admitted since she was then going to be 5 years old a month (July 2017) after the start of school.  I was truly worried about her so early start (given her developmental delay - speech) since she should be 5 in September (she was born premature).   However, I wanted so much to challenge my little girl by engaging her with the new experience.  
Don't get me wrong.  I am not thinking of making my daughter compete with other children.  I am focusing on her progress against her previous performances.  That is all.   I was just so glad she had a very nice and understanding teacher named Caroline who was all the way trying to patiently provide her with experiences.  However, my daughter resisted many of those in the classroom which made us decide to do it our way in the house ( I could share some more on this) with an effort to be consistent with the Department of Education curriculum for Kinder.

My point... After hearing it from Ann and watching videos about the new trend and interpretation of the new education curriculum, I am worried as a mother for my daughter and all others kids who may possibly be seeing school as a frightening place to go to for learning.

Dear teacher:  Let us think of making children love to go to school and learn.  Let us make them engage in activities that may bring them closer to realities in life (more on this later on). 

PS:  My daughter graduated from Kinder at 5 years old last April 2018.  She should have started grade 1,  last June 2018 at the age of 5.  However, I and my husband insisted that we wait until she reaches 6 years old.  Instead, we are currently engaging her in a semi homeschooling arrangement and socialize ones or twice a week in a preparatory school (Think Prep Uptown - Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines).

Monday, March 5, 2018


March 3, 2018.  This was the date when we held our second month of the 2000 Hail Mary Devotion.  Due to varied commitments by those who previously participated, only a few were able to make it.  One of us named, Ms. Iris Tabimina decided to recite such devotion privately due to conflict of time with preparations for the exam  (she's graduating from Law School).  She never wanted to stop doing the devotion. 

At first, I felt like teasing Iris with such decision since I could hardly imagine doing it alone due to my first experience of dizziness approaching the end part of the novena ( felt so sleepy that I dozed off to a brief relaxing sleep). However, Iris pushed through stating that she would start earlier (2am) and targeted to finish 10am.  Thus, we did a simultaneous praying -  us at the office while she did it at home.  

During the recitation, I never felt anything extraordinary except the feeling that I was so attuned while we did it compared to the previous month even and despite the temptation to doze off to sleep to almost the end part of the devotion.  At my end, I thought I could write immediately and start my month declaring how we did it last Saturday.    However,  I never felt the inspiration to write after that, except to relax.  

And, just this morning (Monday, March 5, 2018), I received such great news from Iris sharing what happened last Saturday at her house.  She related that in the middle of saying the 2000 Hail Mary, she dozed off to a brief sleep.  When she woke up, she could not believe what she saw floating inside the flame of the candle...a beautifully crafted petal/rose.   From that site, she got her phone and took photos out of it (check photos above and below).

Yes, what you are seeing on the photos  are petals/ a rose - like figure.  Seeing that was like a consolation given her sleepiness.  It made her feel the excitement, joy and an inspiration from a religious experience of God making his presence felt through the cool, subtle presence of the beautiful Blessed Mother Mary.

In my heart, I felt God through the Blessed Mother sending her message of consolation to all of us through our co teacher Iris.  I felt the struggles of my day having to do so many things and yet deciding still no matter what to engage in the devotion.  The drive of all those who decided to be present despite their busy life was affirmed by the presence of the blessed mother.  The sleepiness, dizziness, tired bodies that briefly bounced from time to time to sleepiness and be awakened to fully engage.  All these, I believe are prayers.  The body may be tired but the human spirit is fully awake to partake in the mystery of the God's presence through this powerful devotion to the Blessed Mother.  

I pray that many will come to participate in their own ways and initiative in this devotion.  I pray that many communities will rise and pray this devotion every first Saturday of each month all the days of their lives.  And so the Blessed Mother may not only send her petals of affirmation but her "Love petals" for the conversion of hearts. 

God bless everyone:-)  

PS.  We thank all of those who participated in the second month of this devotion - Dioscora, Marivic, Mark, Mars, and Ann Tonette with Iris Tabimina who shared her "The Miracle of the Petals of Blessed Mother Mary".  

Wednesday, February 28, 2018


At times do you feel and sound healthy?  Do you feel your life goes along well?  Do feel you are able to balance your life such that you are able to manage things that you are engaging in your life.  I will make myself as an example. I am currently engaging in the following :

       1.  Family life – wife and a mother
      2.  Conducting tutorial, emotion management and speech therapy to my little girl and assessing her progress in these areas  ( in partnership with my very hardworking and dedicated husband)
       3.  Monitoring a senior high school
       4.  Conducting faculty observations
      5.  Teaching college students in Behavioral Management and career guidance and counselling
      6.  Writing another textbook
       7.  Helping college students in research
       8.  Preparing my research for international publication
       9.  Conducting counselling to special cases only
       10.  Assisting a preschool in curriculum development
      11.  Giving random talks and workshops to specific groups or organizations in the community
       12.  Organizing a prayer group: 2000 Hail Mary Devotional Group

I could add up the list. You may be overwhelmed seeing the list. Majority of the items in the list are not done every day (some are done ones a month).  It is family and work that eat up most of my time.   However, the intention to help and at least do an act of kindness  ( actually I go beyond my one-act quota in a day…and I get to report that to God at mass) each day comes in the way.  Oh, I forgot to include in the list that I and my husband adopted 10 stray cats feeding them three times a day (every single day).  And I and my husband feel so blessed doing this.

I may be “tired and weary”  yet a happy and fulfilled soul who simply desires peace and quiet at times in God’s arms.  Please don’t get me wrong …I get this every day with my husband…:-)…I so love his warm embraces every single day.  But, someone like me who underwent spiritual retreats, recollections and silencing moments wants to go back to some moments that I once or many times had. 

Life and Work balance.  I facilitated this topic to some groups in our community. With my engagements, I am being reminded many times to do this.  But then this topic for me is simply equated with God in a moment of true silence in prayer.  That for me is a balance.  Yes…GOD equals – LIFE AND WORK BALANCE.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Could Either Be My Moment of “Death” or ...“Growth”


I was 80% finished with my writing and all of a sudden pressed the wrong key.  Yes, I had almost all of my work deleted.  I pressed my chest and simply grasped my breath.   I thought I could get cardiac arrest at that time (Oh God forbid!!!).  I thought I could simply die (well it was not that simple at all as I thought).  No tears came out.  I prayed really hard…God help me…

And then, at least in 2 to 3 minutes, I felt I had to bounce.  I needed to do something. It was so hard.  I could not imagine if I could easily pick myself up that fast but God is so good that He did.  I thought I did but He did

I truly found the material I wrote super valuable.  However, the most amazing thing happened.  I was able to retrieve everything and even put in more “meat” in my work than the previous one. 

Here is the catch.  I thought of it at first as a big accident.  I never had time to be angry with God.  but then I thought God did His “editing” work with my craft. 

From where you are now, you may be able to relate with my “brief sort of accident”.  You may have gone through certain painful experiences that had shaped you as a person, tamed you in a way and built a much better character out of your experience.  I had so much of that.  And just one intense moment like what I had could either be a moment of death or a moment to leap and grow…Truly life brings us options.  The choice is ours to take.  And I was sooo close to a not good end...if not for my sooo close Friend up there...


Friday, February 9, 2018


Hello everyone.  I am back to send you a message on Valentine's Day.  I was invited to give a talk a while ago (February 10, 2018) to college and some senior high school students.  The topic was: Right Person or Right Time.  Wow, I find this topic truly "yummy" to give to the students.  Adolescents are truly close to my heart.  I truly understand and sometimes speak their language at my age.  I also love the fresh and high spirit of the young ones.  It makes me feel young and fresh too.  

Now for my message...


Valentine’s Day is approaching.  Four days more.  You may be wondering about the following things:  who to date, where to bring my date, will I have a date, or will the day be the same with other days of the year.  But still, you insist or desire in your heart it would be a special day. But wait...first try to make a shift to the following ideas.

The topic that you assigned to me is on Right Person or Right Time.  Young as you are you may wonder which way to go between the two.   When you say, RIGHT PERSON, you have certain standards set for a right person.  Who sets the standards?  It is basically subjective.  You may have gotten your standards from your learnings – family, school, readings or peers who may be sharing their own standards of MR Right and MS. RIGHT. 

RIGHT TIME.  Who sets the time?  When do you say it is the right time?  It can be subjective too.  If I may ask you the question?  When is the right time?  What would your answer be?   You may say "When you finished your studies; when you have helped your parents send your sibling to school; when you have accomplished your dreams – such as buying a house, car, etc. "

My dear young people, please do not confuse yourself between the two.  The challenge that I am leaving you right now is that :


As to the RIGHT TIME.  You will know when the right time will be while you labour to become the right person.  

My dear young people,  I want to tell you something that may not be so popular nowadays to the millennials who want things fast and automatic.  Technology may have eaten your values of patience and perseverance.  And you may have forgotten at times that there is SOMEONE up there who holds time in His hands.  I AM HIGHLY SUGGESTING TO COMMIT YOURSELVES TO DOING GOD’S WORK.  FOCUS ON GOD’S WORK. YOU WILL SHINE RADIANT AND READY FOR THE “RIGHT MAN” THAT YOUR HEART DESIRES.  

More than anything PRAY FOR THIS MAN.  You may or may not have met this guy but I AM CONFIDENT THAT THIS RIGHT MAN WILL BE PREPARED AND READY WHEN “HIS TIME “…that is GOD’S RIGHT TIME has come for both of you to meet. 

What I am telling you is not a fairytale.  Life is not a fairytale.  The more realities strike the more pain you will feel and the more human you become.  Grow from them.  It is in pain where you learn best how to love.  Again focus on serving God rather than engaging so much in those technologies and gadgets that will rob you off and away from truly living life to the fullest.  Stop texting and talk to those friends in front of you.  Who knows one of them may be the RIGHT ONE prepared by God for you.

Again, work your way to become the RIGHT PERSON than becoming so busy looking for MR. RIGHT...And the RIGHT TIME is in GOD's hands...you will feel and know that.  


PS:   I especially thank my Valentine love husband Michael for sharing his beautiful ideas on "preparing oneself to be the right person" than busying oneself with looking for "MR RIGHT"... ...he concluded my search for the right words to say.  Thank you "honey bear"...Advance HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY.

Some notes :

1. Psychology Today article entitled The Power of Love (McGrath, 2016) states that:       “ Know that love is a learned skill, not something that comes from hormones or emotion particularly. Erich Fromm called it ‘an act of the will’. ”
2.  Venerable Fulton Sheen stated " Love is an act of the will".

Saturday, February 3, 2018


I was in the US - New York (2008) when I first heard of the 2000 Hail Mary Devotion.  I wanted so much to join.  But was scheduled for a menial job to do.   It was a devotion said by a group of Filipinos.  When I came back here in the Philippines the same year, I never heard of anything like that.  Until last December 2017 during the wake of our State University President  - Dr. Ricardo Rotoras mentioned by one of our Guidance Counselors in the University.

"Ohh that again".  I exclaimed.  " I wanted so much to join such devotion but I never had any chance to join one."  Then came the new year January 2018, during one of our random conversations with Ms. Marivic Rotoras, sister-in-law of our late USTP president Dr. Rotoras.  We were desperate as to responding to the need, that is to find justice for the death for our president.  We simply decided to hold one on a first Saturday of the month.  We also decided to put in our personal intentions for family and the world.  When the decision was finalized, all else fell into place including the devotional guide and the faculty who signed up to join our first ever 2000 Hail Mary Novena at the USTP.
First Batch of UTSP Sen High Faculty who joined the novena :
Tonette, Marivic, Glenda, Iris, Mars, Lelia, Rosamie, Mark, Ekah and Magno (not on photo Angel, Ms. Torrecampo and Ms. Connie D.)
And.. today ...yes the first Saturday of the month of February 2018 is such a joyful day for all of us.  We started 7:30am with prayers that we would survive the 2000 Hail Marys....and truly by God's grace, we were able to finish the novena at 4pm.  Thank you God...so much for the grace of friendship of our faculty who just wanted to spend their time to pray the novena for the Blessed Mother Mary and offer prayers for our late president Dr. Ricardo E. Rotoras... plus the whole lot of package of intentions from each one.  TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!

Note :  Please visit this site for your reference of the 2000 Hail Mary Devotion and join us in this devotion to the blessed Mother Mary:-)  God bless everyone...

Wednesday, January 10, 2018


google.com photo
Before the year 2017 ended,  I expressed my earnest desire to continue blogging.  When my daughter got sick,   I reviewed some of those things I promised to God that I would do to trade with Him so that my daughter would get well.  I know God does not really think that way.  However, there is no such thing as “accident” or coincidence with him.  There must be reason why that thought crossed my mind. 

The year 2009 was the year that I started writing my heart out through blogging which led into publishing my own book.  One book led to another.  And right at this very moment, I am finishing my third.  Could it be “coincidence” in 2008?  Man thinks that way but God uses situations in our lives to discover some things about us that may need to come out for His purpose which is “for others”.  Always for others.

I have been running words in my mind from time to time.  And I should say the writer in me tends to formulate words and concepts associating them with the varied situations in my life.  But I always say the words “too busy to write them down”.  I feel that I am gifted with a restless mind in order to put them into writing.

The earlier motivation to write began during those times when I wanted to continue giving seminars and trainings. However, at some point in the past, I did not have much opportunity to give them.   It was always my desire to reach out  to a wider audience and it dawned on me how writing could do that.  I started a blog site in 2009 with that vision.  To reach out to a wider audience.  Looking back I felt I succeeded despite at times I felt my blog site was like a “snail” slowly achieving its purpose and intention.

Going back into the promise that shaped in my mind during such struggle of “begging God” to heal my daughter last month (December 2017), I knew that my purpose is to really reach out, stay simple and humble. Thus, even if this blog site may appear like a “snail mail”.  It will continue to thrive and flourish... tested by time from the ups and downs of the life’s true journey. 

I like God’s wisdom.  It whispers like a strong wind in the midst of a super turbulent storm. 

Have a Joyfully Hopeful Year of 2018!