Sunday, September 5, 2010


There were this 2 card games that I usually played as a kid. They were called "unggoy-unggoy" (unggoy- monkey) and "bulak bulak" (bulak-flower). The first one is played by hiding one card and distribute the rest to all the players. Then the players will choose pairs and throw them at the center until the unpaired ones are left. The players will then pull out cards from each other to pair with the unpaired ones. Until the thrill of who would get the partner card of the one that was hidden would be the "Unggoy".

The second card game "bulak-bulak" is played in this manner. Five (or more)cards are given to each player and then 1 card is placed at the center. The players will throw card with the same design to that card. The higher value gets to throw the next card at his / her own choice of design and number.

What is common with these two card games is that, they are both easier, if not, the easiest to play among all other card games (or perhaps there are those easier pa hehe)

For the past years, I did not learn anything new about card games. Just these two. I tried to learn the others or my friends taught me other styles of playing but I found myself not interested and not really learning new ways just because I was not really open to other ways of doing it.

The first Friday mass (September 2010) I just joined, mentioned of the gospel on the "new wine skin". The new wine poured into the old wine skin will cause it to burst. The priest mentioned then of new things, strategies, teachings or new ways of doing things. Theology is teaching particularly on "listening to the signs of times" (char murag theologian). The signs of times can mean the current trends in our society : kind of government, types of people, the existing culture, ways of doing things, existing issues and concerns (and many more). And that responding according to the signs of times would mean a lot of seeing and evaluating and more than anything praying.

One author mentioned that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting the same result is the new definition of INSANITY. We can be this actually in some ways such as the following:

1. sticking to the same lifestyle (keeping up to fads and fashions or buying things which others have to prove that we can also afford them) when ...the same is giving us financial burden.
2. sticking to the same approach of relating with husband / wife, boyfriend / girlfriend, officemate/co-employee, etc. when the same is not even effective or creating more problems
3. sticking to the same way of disciplining children when the same does not even bring in better result.
4. Using the same teaching style that does not maximize learning of students
5. Sticking to the style of praying that get stuck up the style of only 'ASKING FOR THE SELF" (as mentioned by Fr. Fermin Tan in his homily)
6. Sticking to the same leadership strategy that does not lead to real and true change

...The list can be endless. We all have our own experiences of sticking to "unggoy -ungggoy" or "bulak-bulak" comfort zones. Exploration to new ways does not guarantee though immediate success or perhaps immediate relief. That is why for example making a decision to transfer to another job that one desperately desires for so many years can be frightening since the current job assures the security and undisturbed stature.

Exploration thus, involves a great leap. It involves deciding to respond to an inner movement or restlessness. And so one searches and searches for answers. Searching would also mean going out from a comfortable situation - such as place where we are staying, leaving family for those who would want to respond to a calling, leave a job that has been for several years, leaving an unhealthy relationship and many more. But would you believe that man's restlessness in his heart has been part of the His plan? The heart(in the context of prayer), if man listens full well, will guide him towards a decision that may be for him/ his becomes his life's mission.

Our fear of the unknown also supports the idea why we do not explore other options. We are so contained with protecting ourselves from danger, possible pain (if I do this?, what if I fail?...what would people say? where would I be?...etc.). Also, this has something to do with saving ourselves (the ego) from embarrassment (well for me i just grew tired of entertaining..."what would people say"...i just would want to seize the moment hehe....

The challenge is thus, being posted here that is to open ourselves to new ways of doing things such as (for example) :

1. trying to trim down expenses by focusing more on what we need than wants (so that we can give more)
2. Trying another way of relating to people by reaching out more than waiting for others to make their first move (hehe Fr. Fermin gave an example such as "if you are still single and you are used to waiting for a guy to make the first move ...why not do it yourself first hahahha kind of frightening my dear single friends? Well contact me if you must hahahah I might be of help :-) )
3. Finding some best ways of relating with children or disciplining by loving them even more (there can be specifics on this which i may try to expound later).
4. Finding or researching some new ways of teaching or facilitating learning of students...perhaps something that would make them enjoy learning than making it a burden (well i saw a kinder pupil rolling a very heavy bag full of books and slept all throughout the jeepney ride in the arms of his lola...really my heart was torn into pieces...did he have so much fun reading all those books?)
5. Starting to include others in our prayers or perhaps starting to pray by mentioning others first (and ultimately stop asking for ourselves and focus on what others need...well ...i see your face now twisting hahahaha...hard ha)
6. Trying a kind of leadership that is compassionate and making love the armor ( I encourage you to read Heroic Leadership by Christ Lowney a - a former Jesuit)

Delaying for change to occur is tantamount to delaying all other beautiful possibilities for us Humans. We are not meant to get stuck up somewhere and not grow. We have a God that constantly builds and rebuilds directing our path to His. And the only way of finding His path is to continually search for Him in our daily interactions.

We have a God who is so dynamic and so alive. Each moment can be a moment and revelation of His truth. We do not just stop the search and stay within our comforts. Though we struggle in the process...We are assured that life is not just that of "unggoy - unggoy and bulak -bulak" routines ...Life is very dynamic ...each moment unfolds its truth just like OUR GOD.


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  2. What kind of online work is this? May I request for more details?
