Sunday, March 15, 2015

Sending the True Message of Getting Higher Education

I remember writing years back about the desire of finishing higher studies.  The motivation was just to finish what I started but it later deepened into something more meaningful and connected to a mission.  It came to that point when someone expressed her fears after my final paper defense that I might change and become "unreachable".  

From that statement I thought of something else to reframe myself and refocus to the the very essence why one pursues higher studies.  From the purpose of simply getting it done, I thought of this line "the purpose of getting into higher education is to become a much better person in everything...a much better character more than anything...anything contrary to that opposes its true essence from where education may have defeated to penetrate in the person."

So that friend of mine may not worry at all or fear at finding the worst (hmmmm heheh)...that I could promise. I remember my older sister told me after my final defense that I should be grateful that we were raised by humble and prayerful parents more than anything.  So true.  That statement was like indirectly reminding me to stay grounded.  

Prayer:  Thank you dear God for journeying with me and making me get into this level to affect that positive influence...I am continuing your beautiful legacy ...your mission...Amen.

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