Saturday, April 4, 2015

The Challenge of Finishing Post Graduate Studies.....

with the Fr. R. Yap, President of XU,  husband Michael, sister Gay and the Registrar...
thanks to Denis B. Dizon for this wonderfully taken photo

When I decided to go back to school after what was once thought of as  "barren years" outside of the academe, I felt the God's hands putting back some broken pieces out of me.  I felt the direction slowly taking its shape until I was employed as a public school teacher.

Truly i had to juggle graduate school, work, being a wife and mother to my daughter.  More so when at some points we did not have anyone to assist us in the house.  I thought at times why I had to go on with my post graduate studies.  I got sick at times but still  I felt God inspiring me even more.  When I was in the middle of my dissertation, I felt God's generosity through a financing from Xavier University where I  realized He just wanted me to get through it.   

A lot of times, I felt I have physically "beaten" and stretched myself beyond limit.  There were times when I felt numbness.  When thinking was no longer possible.  When inside of me I felt like a crying child so hungry to just be assured and cuddled. I kept on saying sorry to myself. The ultimate physical breakdown came when I had anxiety attack and I felt I had shortness of breath and that I fear dozing off to sleep for I might not wake up the following day. Ohh that one I prayed hard not to happen.  

My dear husband was there all throughout. But I craved for go back and strengthen my love relationship with God.  And indeed it was a "love affair" in the midst of that so very busy stage in my academic life.  I graduated by God's provisions of material blessings and mercy.  I finished post graduate studies seeing His "unlimited presence" in varied forms.  I could not ask for more...:-) except to thank My God:-)

PS...and when I get home...I felt that I was just "nobody" except a wife to my very supportive husband and mother to a very refreshingly innocent  little girl...our new naughty playmate in the house ...Maria Mikaela.:-)

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