Saturday, December 27, 2014

Teach Yourself Humility

Let me share with you first a story of a boy who aspired to join a football team in school.  He joined a try out several times over to no avail. When he reached high school,  a coach gave him a chance on a reserve, always sitting on the bench while the rest of team went in and out of the field for the game. He never complained about his situation. Instead, he focused on harnessing his skill on the field joining practices.

Well, at your end you might as well suggest for him to give up on his dream.  Yet and still...again and again he never missed to join the practices. When he reached college, still he was taken in by the football coach but on the same position, that is a bench player.  

On the last year of his college life, his father died during the time when their team was  playing the championship game over the weekend.  His coach allowed him to go home for the funeral yet was just shocked to see him coming back so soon willing and eager to join his team for the game.  

In the middle of the game, 3 players were already injured.  There was an urgent need for replacement such that his coach was forced to allow him to get in.  And soon enough and with all his might, he raced through the field, running like the best player that has ever stepped on the field. The audience went wild.  His teammates were stunned as they saw him run, glide and managed to get through barriers until he shot the ball at the goal.

His coach approached him at one corner after the game so silent and asked about his silence with praises with what he displayed during the game.  And he said that he did it for his father that will only get to see him for the first time play since all the while he was blind when he was alive and his death may mean that he could see him play..

My point is ...humility.  The very player that was suspected to have not possessed the skill to be able to compete and play has become the best player ever that brought the win for the team during the championship game.

Humility from experience would invite us to keep and practice the following :

1. Silence

Being humble would entail a lot of silence. Like that of the football player that never complained about not being given yet the chance to get into the field. He waited in silence.  He waited for his time.

There are situations when we will be challenged to practice humility.  I remember when I was asked to give a talk to  a group of counselors in a region.  I was seated beside someone I know who was complaining about the factsheets prepared by the speaker.  All the while that she was so vocal about this,  she did not know that I was the one assigned for that talk.  I just simply commented " I will just discuss further each point".  So she realized that I was the next speaker.  I will not discuss further how she looked at me when I started my discussion.   

Silence entails a lot of listening.  It means more than excitedly blurting out complains or responses to people like what I did.   It would entail waiting for the right time to speak or the right time to be allowed to play, or waiting for the right opportunity for promotions,  etc. ....Silence entails a lot of waiting...for another person in your life to see the truth, to realize, to grow ... 

It also means being like a "Sponge".  When you silence yourself  you  absorb a lot such as feedback from others (positive or not). Learning and wisdom come easily to those who are willing to learn in silence and be like that of a sponge.

2. Acceptance

We desire so many things such as getting some brand new stuffs, a house and lot, latest brand of car, clothes, shoes, gadgets like cellphone, television, etc. and we feel frustrated at times when we don't get them.  Or when situations are not the way we want them.... You want to know what would happen if we fail to accept? We get discouraged or frustrated.  Some would lose the motivation to move on.    It will become a personal issue.  And when it becomes that, we would become bitter at not having the things we want so much. 

But, for a humble person, acceptance is a delight. It means letting go and move on.  It means looking at what you've got to thank for.  It means settling down and delighting with what life is offering him at the moment.  It means embracing life, being joyful while he is hopeful for so many wonderful things ...blessings to come in his life.  It means respecting God's will while staying faithful with what has to be done.  It means leaving them in the hands of God and the wisdom behind why things have to happen without even knowing why at the moment.  Acceptance according to Dr. Wayne Dyer means "YOU DO NOTHING".

3. Prayer

Prayer is the most wasted part of us being human.  At my end, I see it as an opportunity to submit...a real opportunity to be humble.  In fact prayer is an act of humility.  A person that prays is a person that embraces Someone higher than himself.  It means presenting myself and consulting  that Someone,- God himself in everything. 

It is difficult for a proud person to be silent, be like a sponge, accept and pray.  One can get into trouble easily especially when he or she is in front of proud people for they may get into proving and disproving each other.  But when he is with the humble ones, he is safe except that he may realize later that he or she may need to straighten or polish himself a bit.  

You see...prayer is the most important part.  You know why?  Silence and acceptance are its fruits.  Ultimately, if we want to learn humility we start with stretching our arms before God...kneel down ...and pray... so you can just waste your time...with prayer...He loves company...and he loves the humbles ones.

What do you think?  Can you relate with it? 

Thursday, December 25, 2014

My Heart's "True North" This Christmas of 2014

the Christmas mass - December 25, 2014
I was so dead busy for the past months.  And when Christmas was approaching, I was questioning God several times what it truly means.  As I wake up each morning and browse the television, I felt the excitement with songs sang, programs and news trying to inform how busy people are with shopping and where to best buy things - cheap, affordable, durable, colorful, etc.  Even children's excitement are soaring.

One time as I went to the mall to buy for some fancy clothes to wear for the party at work, I was observing everyone so engaged and indulged with shopping.  Decorations and songs played were all about Christmas.  In that instant, I thought, I would feel the same excitement, yet emptiness crept in. I felt not comfortable with it.

I left the mall not being able to buy something.  I resolved not to be fancy at the party.  I focused more on dealing with that feeling which led me to pray harder.  I was desiring for something different this Christmas of 2014.  I desire so much for the non material ones -  simplicity, love, peace, joy, humility, generosity. And  I invited my husband to spend more time to pray with me for our daughter and others.

I wanted so much also for that prayer to come alive.  So when I received some financial blessings at work and from small investment that I and my husband started, we decided to give more to my sick father, pack some simple candy goodies for the kids in the neighborhood and give a cake to a family in the neighborhood.

Furthermore, with my daily character training in giving, I also tried to add some tip to some individuals that helped me out in my research in my post graduate studies.  A lot of times I made some of them so surprised or I would rather say, amazed with what I did but that was just it...that was just my way of thanking God's people that have generously extended themselves in service, too.

I could enumerate more in here, but let me stop by saying that God's grace led me to realize His generosity in my life that I could not resist giving back.  My Christmas has found its true north in the simplest and in silence deliberately resisting materialism and grand celebrations so that it may demand most of my time away from my family. 

The Christmas night, I just prepared a simple dinner and decided to go out walking at night with my daughter and husband and send that cake to Mikaela' breast milk donor named Marsha when my daughter  was yet inside the incubator at the hospital.  I then put my daughter to bed early so that we could hear mass the following day - December 25 (ohhh that's today...this morning).

My journey this Christmas this year of 2014 has not ended.  In fact, it is continuous and daily engraving of character that Jesus himself has shared during his birthday - the Christmas day...with the strong resolve to share the graces of His birth all the days of my everyone:-) 

God bless you all..May you find the truth of Christmas...May we all find God Himself  our true north this Christmas...THE TRUE REASON WHY THERE IS CHRISTMAS...:-)