Monday, November 19, 2012

My Going Back to School

During the day you may visualize me in this manner -  I hold my daughter in my left arm while I hold some notes at my right hand studying for my classes.  Yes, I went back to school – post graduate studies.  I was forced to realizing that it has been 5 years since I stopped and I would have to re enroll the subjects that I took years back if I wanted to pursue and finish my doctorate program in Education.

But, that’s not mainly the reason of going back to school.  My growing  interest to engage in the life of my daughter and to capture her in those moments when she is so wide awake and so receptive to learning moved me to finish what I started.  My daughter inspires me so much such that aside from going back to school, I requested in one of the subjects I enrolled in to report on topic TYPES OF PRESCHOOL CURRICULUM (from the list of topics given to us in the Syllabus) from where I got  a number of them including Homeschooling Curriculum Program.

In one of my classes yesterday on Gender and Development, it was mentioned how full time mothers become insecure of their roles over career women that have established themselves in their fields.  In one of those candid moments I had in class, I raised my hand with the following comment :

“I am now a mom taking care of a 3 – month old baby.  Though at first I resisted staying at home (they  know that I am keeping a part time job only as a consultant / psychologist of a medical laboratory and I rarely report to the office), I feel so much of the joy of having to witness special moments with my daughter growing physically (…I should have added this :  plus that special bond and attachment with her having to embrace her while she sleeps, her first smiles and giggles,  bathe her, change her clothes when they are wet, change her diaper, breast feed and bottle feed her, tell her stories, explain many things with her even during those times when I did some chores and many little things, show her and flip pages of the books and a lot more.)  

My case is different.  Staying with my daughter makes me realize that mothers or working mothers may have missed so much of those beautiful moments that they could have savored with their children.  That’s why full time mothers should not be ashamed of their roles since this is something that they can be proud of.  What would become of their children is a reflection of the kind of parents that they are”... ( splendid ...that was me..hehe Dang in action...bow hehehe).

From what I have experienced,  I could put so much of dignity with the challenging roles of women taking full time mother’s roles at home. Hehe please don’t get me wrong.  We don’t  have to engage in graduate or post graduate studies for us to be able to see better (though it can be one of the avenues for wisdom).  There are lots of wisdom to those mothers who have stayed faithful to their calling of nurturing their own children by choosing to stay at home.  It just happens that I started my higher studies long before I got married and had my daughter and she has become my inspiration to finishing what I started.

I simply …love to improve myself and my craft when she came…and if someday it would lead to creating something bigger that what I am into right now then… that’s just another bonus…Loving our Maria Mikaela is the biggest fulfillment and bonus of my life :-)  (well aside from my beautiful husband).  Thank you dear God.

PS...One day soon..when i have the chance to go back to a full time least I could look back, relate  and say...I had a taste of an experience of a full time mother...really beautiful ... soooo beautiful:-)

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