Monday, March 26, 2012

The Word "Discernment"

I have been consulted by some friends with many things (great privilege...i dont know what they see in me....lie...i know what they see hahahhahhaha). The more when they make major decisions. Major decisions include taking a new route such as getting married, accepting job offer, breaking up with a boyfriend, saying yes to a new guy, buying that house, contents of speech to deliver, etc.

Why did they come for assistance? I see one common thing. They are confused with varied options displayed before them. The more when options are all good, pleasing, exciting, beneficial... anything that brings in good "tidings" to the self or loved ones.

"Discernment" is my word for this blog. From an online dictionary ( it means "The power or faculty of the mind by which it distinguishes one thing from another; power of viewing differences in objects, and their relations and tendencies; penetrative and discriminate mental vision; acuteness; sagacity; insight; as, the errors of youth often proceed from the want of discernment.

Huh, I get to "nose bleed" with the definition above. But again it is a mental faculty that does the discernment. Every thinking and its corresponding emotional response happen in the mind. What the heart feels is actually the mind's dictate from rational to emotional impact (EQ). This is a special faculty that sends the "twinkling" signal to the heart.

Here's an illustration. My friend asked for my assistance yesterday regarding which to pick between two jobs. Actually, he is still "in" with his 10-year job. Another opportunity came with a higher pay and benefits. When his employer learned about his intention to leave the company, they did all they can to convince him to stay. Well and good, they did it well and he decided to turn down the new offer. He then informed his boss about his decision to stay in the company.

The new company representative gave him a call when they learned about his decision and arranged a meeting with him to still convince him to take the offer. This made him more confused. That time I felt the sense of urgency for him.

Anyone in a middle of an urgent situation is restless. The person needs an answer and ultimately come up with the decision. With my friend, he put me in that hot spot of making me state my opinion.

Since opinion was asked, I did not give it outright. I asked him what he really wanted with his situation. In the first place he made his decision already to stay with the company. If he would alter that, that would be a question of "word of honor". That was my first challenge while I checked with his facial reaction and eyes while I said that. He was stunned with my answer.

Actually of course, he could still continue with meeting the new employer but again holding on to his decision which I thought may have not really been strongly founded since he kept on swinging given the motive why he still wanted to meet the prospective new employer (of course i did not want to curtail my friend from getting more information...but he could have arranged that meeting prior to making his decision for him to have complete details).

Ultimately, I told him, that what he was using was all analysis and that in discernment, even with complete information and he is still confused. That makes discernment not completed. He needed to listen to his heart (emotional mind - EQ). I led him into deciding where he would be best be comfortable, happy or where he could find himself extend the most of service. Or perhaps create that most difference and impact. And outright he mentioned, his old job. This time I already asked him to scrap and set aside all the benefits of both sides and to just look into this area alone.

I also mentioned that in life we will not be getting perfect answers in the process of searching. We will be tested as to the readiness of our hearts in taking all the challenges. Fear should not be a hindrance for deciding. When everything is taken and considered as learning and growing, fear is totally eliminated. I ended it with "i tell you...after you decide, there is still no assurance of a perfect answer, but i can assure you that you will grow as a person"... hahahah I took it from my own experience. Without regret realizing that my world became bigger, wider, and I grew so much in all aspects (except weight).

I guess my friend just opted to follow his heart. Which I felt to be such a strong foundation of his decision. And so that's it. The discernment was used not using plainly the rational mind, as defined in emotional intelligence. Rather, tapping the emotional mind in getting that "heart level" decision not really totally understood by the rational mind.

That's why one book i read just simply advised the readers to simply stop the thinking for a while and to address the emotional impact of the experience. Sometimes we just have to stop thinking to allow the process and weight of emotion to sink in and send its message. The heart / emotional mind is simply where the weight of soulful decision lies. Decisions that may be questionable or certain actions or practices in question but may truly led us to our true calling.

Discernment rests in our highest mental faculty that sends message to the human heart. What should I say? Ultimately, we follow our hearts:-)

Thursday, March 22, 2012


It is like almost end of the month and I have not really taken cared at adding or putting in something in my blog site. You might be asking what has been with me lately. A lot actually such as ...

1. work, work might say it is boring...not really...this is where I get a lot of value nourishment and formation of character...not really gritting my teeth but i get a of those holes of challenges. I get into them. Pass through them and come out growing in all aspects. A great formation (I will write about my job soon...with tact and discrete manner of doing it).

My growing, bulging tummy where my "bunch of joy" resides for almost 4 months now (oh how i would love to publish my growing tummy through a photo...but nah...I don't want to displease my dear husband with my naked bulging tummy exposed to the world...yet somebody nagged on me to do that...hmmm keep on thinking...:-)....still a NO hahahhaha.
3. Engaging more... in a more disciplined and the choice of healthier life for an increased wellness. I have been into herbal food supplements and since I got pregnant added one more of it as approved by my OB and it is creating great and wonderful miracle with my body such as : no morning sickness, so able, agile and brisk with my only slowly bulging tummy without gaining extra weight except for the minimal 1 to 2 pound increase. In short, I am still a skinny, pregnant that looked like a "fishball"ball...Joke tummy is still small...but i get more than enough nourishment for my body. (I could talk more about this later).

4. Devoured books entitled
Inspiration - Your Ultimate Calling by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer and Natural Cures "They Don't Want You To Know About" by Kevin Trudeau (a very controversial book in the United states ...from my research).

5. Figuring out how and putting in more "meat" to the book that I dreamed to release one day (actually some books that I visualized to be in circulation with a mission of really putting in a lot of that difference that i thought i could extend to others...just me and simply me ...nyahahahahha).

6. Starting up something with my husband that we drew out from both our interests and passion (actually this is a husband and wife thing in which we just had to assess both our strengths and what we are capable of doing so that we could at least use these to something more productive and perhaps extend ourselves more in service someday).

7. Figuring out at going back to post graduate studies (part time) after i deliver my little "bunch of joy" in my womb (ahhh so excited to welcome such wonderful addition of God's child to the world...great responsibility but nothing much compared to the excitement that i and my husband are feeling at the moment)

8. Slowly i am currently "knitting" and putting in all the excitement of my God-given talents and skills and make it productive (meaning...i could not afford keeping it to myself...sharing would give its due justice)

9. Family a wife...and soon to be mom...i was pressured at first. It was like putting in a lot of that heat and puncture myself everyday at being an ideal wife and soon to be mom. Strange ha...but that's not true. Everyday i realize that i don't need those pressures. My compassionate heart tells me that ...i just have to be myself and live life each day baring my true self in front of my faking... and i am happy at that....slowly i am learning the lesson of just living the day...piece by piece...moment by moment...flaws and all shown..."un-skinning" (if there is such a word) to shed off my real-ness ...something that i did not like at first but something that i learned to accept and love in me...

10. Lastly...I never forget growing in faith and grace with my God knowing that everything that i have is His grace and provision...nothing much to boast except that I have all treasure...:-)

So did I keep you posted? Nothing really much and very detailed ...but everything ...everything that I posted in here is grace....grace...grace...I simply love being in His grace...all the time..

PS: Did I forget sometimes?....nyahahahha still a lot of times... I just love to be "me"...

Mia asks "Define Happiness"

Her name is Mia....she has that warm, pretty, charming face with a skinny este...slim sexy body. One day, she just told me that she read one of my blogs that featured a person that she knew named Charlie (actually that's the title of the blog - may check and search for it in here if you like). She stressed further that she had fun reading the blog. I featured in that blog something very funny about Charlie. This time I am going to cook Mia ...hahahha ( joke...i wont do that).

Why am i bringing Mia here. Nothing really strange. It is just that I found something not really ordinary with her smile...I love so much the smile. Pregnant as i am, it makes me feel so light. One time in the past, she asked me when i would feature her in my blog. And i just could not figure out how i would do that. You see i follow special "calling and leading" when i write. And when there is no movement, i just remain mum for a while.

But then, I guess, this her time to shine in my site. I want her to shine. She did that when she just uttered "define Glenda".... You know what she got me at that. I was thinking..."why in the world did she ever think of that". Well perhaps she just saw me laughing and joking with her. But I guess I can just throw back the baton at the definition she just gave me...

Happiness Mia...she just exuded that in front of me with no effort at all flawless with her beautiful smile and so very eager to help me at anything from printing to lending glue that i did not return to her (hahahahah). Other than that she entrusted to me her love story. Though at time she may have told me that she was fine after some pain that she went through. I just had to believe that she was able to go through that pain gracefully.

Young and free spirit...with a choice to live and move on with life despite of...that's Mia...with a beautiful smile...happy...still skinny (hahaha that i get to joke with her... at least she is picking up her weight now ...a little hahahah).

Well, she is still consistent with her definition of happiness as I am with mine... Happiness is still Mia:-)

PS...Perhaps i can just leave her at her own definition of happiness. I like it too...nyahahahhaha:-)