1. work, work work...you might say it is boring...not really...this is where I get a lot of value nourishment and formation of character...not really gritting my teeth but i get a of those holes of challenges. I get into them. Pass through them and come out growing in all aspects. A great formation (I will write about my job soon...with tact and discrete manner of doing it).
2. My growing, bulging tummy where my "bunch of joy" resides for almost 4 months now (oh how i would love to publish my growing tummy through a photo...but nah...I don't want to displease my dear husband with my naked bulging tummy exposed to the world...yet somebody nagged on me to do that...hmmm keep on thinking...:-)....still a NO hahahhaha.

3. Engaging more... in a more disciplined and the choice of health

4. Devou

5. Figuring out how and putting in more "meat" to the book that I dreamed to release one day (actually some books that I visualized to be in circulation with a mission of really putting in a lot of that difference that i thought i could extend to others...just me and simply me ...nyahahahahha).
6. Starting up something with my husband that we drew out from both our interests and passion (actually this is a husband and wife thing in which we just had to assess both our strengths and what we are capable of doing so that we could at least use these to something more productive and perhaps extend ourselves more in service someday).
7. Figuring out at going back to post graduate studies (part time) after i deliver my little "bunch of joy" in my womb (ahhh so excited to welcome such wonderful addition of God's child to the world...great responsibility but nothing much compared to the excitement that i and my husband are feeling at the moment)
8. Slowly i am currently "knitting" and putting in all the excitement of my God-given talents and skills and make it productive (meaning...i could not afford keeping it to myself...sharing would give its due justice)
9. Family ...family...family...being a wife...and soon to be mom...i was pressured at first. It was like putting in a lot of that heat and puncture myself everyday at being an ideal wife and soon to be mom. Strange ha...but that's not true. Everyday i realize that i don't need those pressures. My compassionate heart tells me that ...i just have to be myself and live life each day baring my true self in front of my husband...no faking... and i am happy at that....slowly i am learning the lesson of just living the day...piece by piece...moment by moment...flaws and all shown..."un-skinning" (if there is such a word) to shed off my real-ness ...something that i did not like at first but something that i learned to accept and love in me...
10. Lastly...I never forget growing in faith and grace with my God knowing that everything that i have is His grace and provision...nothing much to boast except that I have Him...my all treasure...:-)
So did I keep you posted? Nothing really much and very detailed ...but everything ...everything that I posted in here is grace....grace...grace...I simply love being in His grace...all the time..
PS: Did I forget sometimes?....nyahahahha still a lot of times... I just love to be "me"...
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