As I listened from husband’s
simple welcome speech to our guests at our daughter’s simple birthday party (July
28, 2013 at the Dynasty Hotel and Restaurant) before our family members and
very close friends, I realized how time has gone fast. My husband was tracing how one year ago we
struggled with my unexpected delivery “…and now she is in front of us healthy,
big and strong”.
While my husband did that, I
had such mixed emotions. I was also
filled with pride looking at our cute daughter sitting in front of my husband playfully
clapping her hands as if cheering her dad.
I was so overwhelmed by that site.
I love them both so much. I knew
then that I would do everything by God’s grace to keep my family intact, alive
and truly in service to God.
I would like also to honor
God’s for His bounty at the same time
such that, celebrating Maria Mikaela’s birthday at the hotel was
unexpected. We had it all planned and to just hold it home. Yet, I was sick for days
and I was so tired when I got home from work ( I am now back with my full time
job teaching and counselling). Realizing
the little difference in the expense if we hold it at the hotel made us hop
into such decision.
It was only a 1 and a half day
preparation. We did not even prepare
invitation. The good thing with
technology was that, we just sent txt messages to our relatives in Bukidnon and
some close friends and sponsors of Mikaela during her christening. I and our house assistant Welma landed on a
Saturday at a one-stop shop where we would all stuffs for kids and had the
tarpaulin done before I joined my Saturday class at the Graduate school.
I thought that if I pursued
having it at home, I would have been absent in class and sleep really late at night. But then we were so relaxed. My sister Gay was the usual errand bringing
all the ordered stuffs like cake and lechon and bringing us all to the hotel
with all our stuffs (including Mikaela’s crib…hahah it’s a folded crib so it
just looked like one of those travelling bags we brought to the hotel).
Welma with her friend Cassandra
decorated the place with balloon together with one of the hotel staffs. Food was served buffet. There was really no prepared formal program . I just hopped into the microphone to be the
automatic emcee of the party. I bravely
thought that I have done it with other people’s birthdays and wedding, so I could not resist my very own daughter’s
very special and memorable first birthday.
It went well as I ran though my
handwritten flow of the program with
those hastily prepared list of the games that I thought might bring in fun to
the party. My daughter was a little
agitated in the earlier part of the program since she was not really used to
loud voice around her plus my very loud voice when I used the microphone. So we decided to “ship” her at the back of
the room in my husband’s arms. It was a
fun fun time.
Then came the blowing of her
candle which I did myself since its obvious that Mikaela did not have that
capacity yet. But we made it
sure that she would be able to witness everything. As I brought the cake in front of her, I saw how her eyes lit with excitement and curiously she surveyed it.
From there she had to be
brought up to our room to rest since she was obviously tired after such a "long" and tiring celebration. She was not used
to big celebrations yet she patiently stayed and had fun aside from being
transferred from one guest's arm to the other for pictorial from time to time.
I was very tired …yes…and
having been sick for 3 days. I thank God
for the grace to be able to stand firm in that moment joyful moment that we had
as a family. We love our daughter so
much that we wanted her (despite not being able to understand our initiative)
when she grow up to look back through photos how her first birthday was
memorably celebrated by our family together with our relatives and friends.
Thank you dear God for blessing
us with a wonderful and beautiful little girl by the name of MARIA MIKAELA:-)
Kuya Kurt, uncle Jun, kuya rock, kuya Kurt and ate girl2 |
Daddy's speech time |
dancing time with the kids |
Uncle Dennis and Auntie Gay |
cousins kuyas and ate Kurt, Rock, Girl2 and friends Kookie and Julia |
Doc Ronnie, Koobie and Anton |
Neighbors Mrs. Talingtingan with daughter Trisha, hubby Tyrone and daughter Tahnya |
Atty Roel, Meg and daughter Fiya |
sis Gay, ninangs Lolitz and Nina with Ninong Rodel and Tito Ronnie |
Lolo Pops |
Tito Nono, cousin ate Patricia and ateJane |
Lolo Pops with ate Welma, Jane and Paticia |
Kuya Nickey with lalabs ate Shai |