Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Dealing with My Child's Tantrums and the Different "Varieties" of Crying temper tantrum photos

I and my husband are not experts in handling the topic.  When I gave a parenting seminar, one of the questions was on dealing with tantrums.  It was so easy for me to answer that time since, it was just all readings and sharings from others such as the word...IGNORE.  

Now that our daughter Maria Mikaela has reached the stage approaching toddlerhood, she displayed some bouts of it especially during meal times or teething discomforts.  What did i do when this occurs.

I rambled too inside.  I panicked. I did not like seeing her in pain or experiencing discomforts.  Of course as a mom, i want to see my daughter well, smiling, giggling, posing her charming grin and giving me that wonderful hugs and pat on my back.  But then, she just went wild with her wailing.  When i learned and told myself not to panic, i had to observe and sense what was the discomfort all about.  I would check her diaper, temperature and if she was hungry.  If it's about teething, then i would place a gum jell to ease her pain.    If she's full, mothers can sense the difference among different tempo and pitches of the cry.  I can.  That's the wonder of it.  Thank you God.

I would start to observe manipulation when she cries and then checks on my reaction from time to time.  If she senses my panic she makes it much louder.  Oh smart girl.  I won't do anything with that.  Most of the time she stops. 

When I feel that she has been awake for much longer time, then it must be that she's sleepy so i put her to bed.  But when it is a cry of pain, even if i put her to bed she still continues to cry and so i find a way to check which is the cause or what caused her pain.

Oh mothers...mothers have gifts at sensing these things.  I feel that tantrums and other varieties of crying can be dealt with accordingly if "use" we mothers will use our "extra" sensing power. Again thank you God.

With our daughter...hhmmm i and my husband have lost our patience several times.  We did not want her hurt herself.  We explain to her that it pains us to see her in pain.  Even if in her young age she might not understand the entire conversation, we just want to communicate to her that she is loved. 

Ohh I feel that our little girl is smart.  I feel that she is listening yet she is just so "gifted" with some of those strategies that may manipulate us.  Though a lot of times, I find it cute but she can't be reinforced and pursue with such behavior.

Tough times....great learning for new parents like me and my husband.  Still there is a lot of rejoicing to being a parent.  A piece by piece to learn each single day despite this challenge.  Thank you God ...Amen.

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