Tuesday, August 9, 2011


As I look at my style of writing, I can hardly separate humor. It seems to come out swiftly and naturally. It is just so me to feel - cry, laugh, etc…so hard. Sometimes I find myself overdoing it. And so I loosen a little with teasing myself. Right…I am playful…I play around myself ( hehe just with words through blogging), and find humor even in the most painful experiences.

Bishop Fulton Sheen, the author of the book entitled From the Angel’s Blackboard stated that “…God created the world with a Divine sense of Humor”. And so, any person that sees beyond what is seen around him - seeing through things - that is, possesses this character.

I thought I must be crazy with the way I craft and pour myself out in my writings. But no…I feel more of the grace of seeing more and beyond. The world is like that of a windowpane displaying beyond what is seen by the naked eye.

According to Sheen, a snow is not just what you see it to be but that of immaculate flake at the mountaintop. To relate a particular experience seeing a very old priest celebrating mass with people not hearing anything from him made me see more of the messages that say : 1) someday I will be old too, like him and that I may experience the same thing (not really doing the role of a priest heheheh) 2) that our very smart God taught all of us participating in the mass - P A T I E N C E... 3) seeing beauty with one old priest striving to faithfully serve God through his continued service ...and many more ways of looking at things that reflect that of a poet maneuvering his vision with the bias of the divine in any of his / her life's encounter.

Thus, there are things that we can learn from on a daily basis...instead of complaining, right?

We don’t really take the world seriously(the world sets standards without really imaging the nonphysical attributes of us humans). In this realm, humor put experiences on a lighter perspective … living life beyond what is…

We have such a wonderful life's curriculum taught and tested on a daily basis. Learning should be fun. Rigidity does not really reap such a good harvest.

P.S. I hope you see God in my crazy and foolish ways of presenting my writing here...heheheh...:-)

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