Saturday, December 28, 2013

Maria Mikaela's Diet

Let me share with you my daughter’s diet.  First few months with us from the day she was born, she was just drinking her milk. Six to 7 months after that, we gave her a little of cereals (Cerelac) from ones, twice until it became thrice a day.  From the 8th month we tried to give her some blended vegetables that I especially prepared composed of squash, carrots, potato, beans,  rice, sometimes cauli flower or broccoli, mongo and many other vegetables when they are available.  The process goes this way:

Rinse the vegetables  thoroughly with water and cut the vegetables into small pieces

Put the vegetables in a pot and just cook them for few minutes until it is enough for the blending

Place the strained vegetables inside the blender

Vegetables are now ready for blending

Put ground rice in a pot with water and heat until it becomes a little sticky

 Let the cooked ground rice cool
down on a basin with water

Mix the cooked ground rice to the cooked vegetables in the blender…now ready for blending

 Blend thoroughly…until…it becomes…

…texture becomes fine…

Now ready to be served:-=)

 For my daughter, I pound a little spirulina (green color) and mix it to her food …check the green fine powder on food as shown in the photo

It was February of this year since she started eating  this food.  But if she starts to feel jittery due the repetitive eating of this type of food, we vary it with the different varieties of cereals for babies.  With the above diet and the milk and other vitamins that she getting including the use of Virgin coconut oil mixed to her milk each meal, I and my husband are very confident that she is getting more than enough nutrients needed to sustain her physical needs for physical growth and wellbeing.

One day soon when she would have enough teeth to chew more solid food, then we would again find another type of food that would be nutritious for her growing body.  

As a mom, I am doing my research to from different mothers how they have prepared and tried to know the different types of food that can be served and safe to their age.  I am so thankful for the help of those mothers also that are so conscious with their children’s diet.  Yet I was also learning from those not so conscious ones as they allow they children to eat all the food that they are eating.  Hmmmm I am still thinking about that approach since, I, my husband and our baby maybe facing more risk than helping her with her nutritional needs.

It really needs a lot of weighing and …hmmm discernment which is better and appropriate for our daughter.

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