I simply toy with one of those past events when i was yet in the academe and my work led me to some public schools to present ourselves to top graduating classes inviting them to take our scholarship exams. In one public school, i had such an encounter with a principal that simply gave me an idea how attaching so much with "ego" may bring such havoc to relating (hahahahhahah i hope i am not too harsh in this) and bring bad light to our image in its truest sense.
To continue, we went inside the principal's office and introduced ourselves. We were expecting that at least the principal would deal with us "properly"... with proper introductions (i guess heheh) but it made us ask if we could get her complete name for our documentation as we go back to our school. Since she opted to stay composed and keep her reserved state (to mildly put it hehe), she simply pointed to that label on top of the table that said "Caridad Baltazar, Ph.D." (not her real name...just the title hehe). And so i felt like jumping, blurting the line "Oh you are Dr. Caridad Baltazar" (i almost added Ph.D. after Baltazar hahahhahahha to pamper her ego and as in super doooper Dr. and Ph.D... my English teachers could kill me...joke lang hehehehe).
I was simply blown away by the strongest "air" that passed us. It left us (ni Faith, a friend and former colleague), looking at each others' eyes in silence ...actually MU kami ...mutual understanding ...and super dooper tawa ...to the max).
In my lifetime, i met lots of "Caridads". I got to be like them too at times. Like, I preferred being called as ma'am or madam than dang or my real name. Perhaps too, if i had just finished my Ph.D., i would prefer being called the title of Caridad hehehheeheh.
Truly, I liked (with emphasis on the past tense hahahha) being called by titles, it threw certain color and smell in the air allowing others to see and smell me too. With that i felt getting their respect. I liked also decorating myself with good and power dressed clothes when i go to work. (Aside from the fact that they are proper attire for work:-) They give me the sense of respect and they initially covered up my insecurities.
But just that encounter with Caridad shifted my heart and mentality to 180 degrees. It made me ask "is there a much better way of getting respect than what this lady is doing?". Again, I was simply blown away and realized her approach is NOT the "one" i should be doing.
On the other hand, it amazes me how other countries like the United States' professionals call each other by first names. I thought when I got to listen how they did it to each other, "if this thing works out in this country...it is possible at mine".
The latter, strongly supported the previous that made me really like being called by my name. And it sounds so good. This time when others mention my name, it reminds me of my openness to anyone that comes or join my life's "crazy and passionate" quests (hahahhaha). It reminds me of unity than division - professional or non prof alike, rich or poor, Christians or not, etc.
Titles or positions should not define us. They are just trappings and labels. What is the difference anyway, between me and the beggar i happen to pass by everyday. Perhaps the clothes or that i get to sleep a better bed or eat better food. But what humbles me is the fact and truth that ONE DAY I AND THAT BEGGAR WILL DIE. And we are not even sure if we get that special spot in heaven (me i like the flower garden and the green grass of the heavens hehehhe). That one beggar that i pass by everyday may get that much better place... who knows? we don't really know...who's who or who would be in the final list (wait until i get to make kulit with my friend Peter hahahhahah).
We do panic ourselves with getting too many things and too much of the "trappings" that they become heavy for us to travel freely and unattached. I say, we travel light or perhaps choose to travel with nothing and simply unattached. Let us not argue with the "nothing"...for i feel i need not expound this further. I have that confidence in my heart that you know better (heheh I could not underestimate yours and my capacities).
Lastly, i am not saying that accomplishments, achievements, success or anything related to that would not bring us closer to our "destination". I would say we strive and continue to build ourselves up but decide to be unattached with anything. When we die, we don't bring our titles, cars, houses, bank accounts etc. We will be judged according to one measure only - LOVE...and as such our real identity and image is not of this world. We are all meant to reach heaven...labels would soon become...dust...
A quote from Pope John Paul VI:
"Somebody should have told us right at the start of our lives that we are dying. Then we might live life to the limit, every minute of everyday. Do it I say! Whatever you want to do, do it now! There are only so many tomorrows."