Monday, December 5, 2016

The following article was written more than a week ago...

I heard Sunday mass yesterday.  The first candle of advent was lit.  It created a special feeling of excitement, anticipation, a moving forward to the most colorful season of the year.  

I have been browsing youtube lately with Christmas movies.  Truly my favorite.  They hit me and  I become emotional.  Kind of refreshing yes they were.  I just allowed myself to be engulfed with the spirit  that is being portrayed in the films.  But there is such a word as WAIT...there is one thing that is MISSING.  The films I mostly watch do not really highlight the birth of Jesus and salvation that brought such joy and meaning of Christmas.  Decorations, Santa, miracles that do not connect with Jesus but with some spirits and fairies of Christmas,  flashing decorations...spirit of Christmas which I think the movies did not really and truly present the TRUE SPIRIT OF THE SEASON.

Welcome Christmas.  Welcome Jesus the child who is the reason why Christmas was born also into the world.  A concept created truly based and grounded in  Jesus. But why does the world seemed to have portrayed it differently.  I feel like the world loves Christmas but not the Christ.  One movie even portrayed family but at the heart of it, prayer was not even said to acknowledge Christ's birth.

I just hope we receive and portray Christmas by going back to its origin... by refocusing, seeing its essence and not be fooled by the flashes and decorations of Christmas.  Let us not waste the season.  Let us go straight to the heart of the season by looking at reminded by the life of simplicity, connecting with family, forgiveness, humility and true love we share to each other during the celebration of the Mass...

Welcome Christmas...welcome Jesus Christ into the world:-)

Monday, November 28, 2016

The Word "BUSY"
I made a phone call one mid day.  I asked the receiver"how are you today?  what have you been doing?  what keeps you busy?".  The receiver was my daughter ( as if a 4 year old girl could really entirely grapple what I asked).  The same questions I asked with others and myself, I throw them to my daughter.  My work has taught me to throw pre conditioned questions even to a tiny family member certainly did not get my point.  I even did not get the point why I asked that.  But one thing is certain, I get to "lose my mind" at certain parts of the day when I become so wrapped up with too many things to do.

"Lose my mind" means that I have packed my mind with so many things already that even if I was not talking with anyone, I seemed to have ongoing conversations in my mind. Hahahah please don't get me wrong. I just wanted to do so many things at a time.  And I feel that reality does not give me that luxury of time to finish everything.   And, I realize I keep on using the word "BUSY" which I did  not actually want to use at all.  In short, I have become the word that I did not like.

I took time off.  I went to the mall alone.  I tried to watch movie ...shed few tears ...and tried to hide them from an old lady who tried to check me from time to time.  I missed this time to hang out with me.  To just be with me.  Bring food to the movie house and let out my heart.  I already declared earlier that I needed time for myself since no matter how I tried in the past to let go of work, I kept on counting the many things that are undone.  And I would keep on doing that in my mind.  The best thing to do is then to declare and raise the white simply simple stop nothing just stop stop time from enslaving me.  

I thank God that He gave the strength and the courage today to just call it a halt.  

PS ...I don't want my daughter to be like me...but they said...daughters will copy most of their behaviors from their moms...hhhhmmm I think I will just have to spend more time with prayeerrrrr if that would be the case...oohhhhhh...oohhhhh how challenging will that be...

Sunday, November 27, 2016

I Felt Like That Puppy Who Needed the Most Comfort...When I almost lost my daughter at the Mall...

An Old April 2016 photo with Mikaela
I could not contain my heart today...tonight.  On our way to the mall, I and my husband saw a rolling puppy by the road...struggling for its life.  It was such a painful sight.  Not just that but I felt emotional by it that really brought me to tears even while I am tinkering the keyboard. When we reached the mall, we had our dinner but took turns with taking care of our daughter who chose to run around than taking her dinner.  

When it was my turn to take care of her, I brought her to a bookstore.  I allowed her to touch everything she wanted to and take with her.  I simply observed her at a distance when all of a sudden I lost sight of her.  My heart really pumped so hard.  I was trying to check all parts of the store from where I realized she was not inside.  I tried to talk to all the saleslady inside and the guard who did not notice her going out of the store.  

I was not just worried.  I was frightened imagining all sorts of horrible things already.  One saleslady told me to ask for assistance from the guard of the mall and make some announcements which I did. That moment I thought of telling my husband what happened and asked for help (he was eating alone since we decided to take turns).  But still I decided to go back to the bookstore to take one last look.  But a guy wearing white shirt called me form outside of the store and pointed the back of the lined up display of Christmas trees describing a little girl with a pink shirt at the back of it.  I ran towards  that direction and true enough my daughter was there running away from the Christmas trees towards the door of the mall bringing with her three red marker pens.  

A date at a hotel with our little lady
It was a mixture of joy and anger at the same time.  But the anger was due to the fear or rather fright that I felt losing her that way.  I could not describe it but I strongly held her arms. and brought her straight to the bookstore asking her to return the pens.  We went straight ahead to my husband who had no knowledge about what happened.  

I told him of course what happened with a  little tremble in my voice.  I knew then also that we had to cut our date short.  We had to go home.  My daughter gave me that innocent look but still wanted to still explore the mall.  I knew how it was like losing her in that short moment.  I knew how and what it was like not having her beside me nor being uncertain at what might happen next.  I was already forewarned at the gut level before entering that bookstore to keep watch and stay close but I still wanted to go with the adventure of allowing her to explore and let her be and it ended up realizing that the challenge was for me and not for my daughter. will always be books, magazines...passion
It is kind of a very difficult realization ...letting her that much space and freedom at a very young age.  Still I am her mom...and at her age...I knew better.  I told my daughter on our way home " I was not worried Mikaela...I was will only understand this when you become a mom someday"  (well when I talk to her that way ...I will not really expect for her to fully understand but that is  how communicate with her).  And I hugged her tight and kissed her head over and over again and while I did that I felt such an innocent spirit so fresh and free. 

Well there was a sense of relief riding home with her in my arms.  She hugged me so tight while she turned her gaze upon the lights of the night.  I even forgot about the struggling puppy beside the road.  Early that night, I thought it was just the puppy that I was like that puppy that needed the most comfort. It turned out that I felt the need of the greatest comfort of the struggle of almost losing my girl at the mall.

PS: My daughter is so sound asleep in bed now.  I am forever grateful for God's angel wearing white shirt tonight directing my path towards my girl..I just hope and pray for God's angel also to take care of that puppy beside the road...please dear God...with tears...Good night..
...and I never thought such situation could bring me back to writing which brings a lot of comfort to my heart so very much...

Sunday, October 2, 2016

5 Years And Beyond...Happy Anniversary To My Love:-)

...some steps back to a old family photo with my hubby and girl:-)

October 1, 2011.  That's the date of our wedding.  And last Saturday, we celebrated our 5th.  I should say, we had it simple and intimate.  I and Michael slept late the previous night due to our dancing spree with our daughter.  We switched the lights off in the sala, turned on some fast music and made our daughter dance and dance until I decided to just stop her for bed. Alone together, we never made plans for the following day, instead talked and talked until late that night remembering our "love story" ...

I woke my husband up the following day on our anniversary telling him that the Church music was turned on giving us an idea that there is a mass at 6:00am.  So I suggested that we might as well hear mass.  Thus, we started with such celebration with the living rosary said after it as the launching of the month of Rosary (I remember St. Therese on the same day - her feast Day - Oct. 1).  

I'd say, we had such a beautiful start for our anniversary...celebrating it with God.  We took our simple breakfast at home with the usual taking over feeding our daughter from time to time and snuggled and bathe her before putting her to the regular morning sleep.

Tired the previous night, I guess we both craved for sleep after which I allowed my daughter to  play with her friends in the afternoon.  When my daughter is out in the street, I usually spend some time talking with neighbors including a retired neighbor named "Tess" ( I call her maam Tess)  who accompanied her grand child while playing.   

I told her that Mike and I are celebrating our wedding anniversary that day.  I felt so relaxed when she stated something like " you grow older, you won't really desire for something flashy to celebrate an anniversary.  Having each other is more than enough".  Furthermore, she said that she and her husband spend long hours talking at night up to wee hours of the morning.  It is always that way.  Someone even commented it as "weird" but still for them it's not.  I consider that statement as God's heart for the day.

We proceeded the  night  with a family dinner at pizza hut...with us taking turns at running after our daughter who was busy with her curious survey escapade at the mall.  After which we took our girl home and spent time together on a movie date up to almost midnight.  

And while the night closed,  I kept the "wisdom" stated by our retired neighbor named Tess in my heart.  I know that on our 5th year together, we have a lot to "clean up" with our attitude, priorities for the family - for each other and Mikaela our little girl...and our faith in the Lord.  One thing is certain up to this point, I always feel my husband's love for me and our daughter.  He has stayed faithful, a good provider and stood strong for our family:-) And I know there will be long hours of talks, holding hands (i see people looking at us while we do that).  I know that there will be more arguments but  forgiving each other...but more love for each other.  I know  God is always on our side:-)

A toast to my husband Michael for the 5 beautiful years and Beyond:-)   

Friday, September 9, 2016

"You Are Amazing" ...Impressions ...Leadership...etc...

The TEAM of EXCELLENT SHS FACULTY - University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines - USTP (formerly
Mindanao University of Science and Technology)

A friend of mine named Janneth (jangjang) mentioned a comment "You are amazing Ate dang"  on one of the photos I posted at facebook.  Amazing is the word that I usually use when I feel awed with anything.  Jang's comment led me into looking into the word at google dictionary which says "causing great surprise or wonder"  

I may have surprised my friend with what I posted at facebook.  Or I may have surprised some friends at that for the many things I posted with what I have been doing with a team of talented faculty.  You see, it is not only my friend that may be amazed by me but also "I to me".  How is that?  Does that sound confusing?

The reason why I left the academe in 2008 and left a possible leadership position was restlessness, boredom and fear of leading.  I resisted it for the reason also that I felt I was short in terms of skills.  I was searching for answers related to it yet, unconsciously, I felt curious at times to explore.  It landed me into getting a leadership position in the corporate. I always felt the disappointment with what I have observed including myself.

I decided to give up leadership when I went back to working in the academe.  My first two years of teaching after the corporate, I declared to live a "silent" life away from leading.  I even resolved to being a simple teacher up to retirement.  But I felt God's hand led me toward it.  Someone "saw" what I was capable of doing - the dean (Vima Socorro J. Tandog).  When she started opening the possibility that I would lead someday, I  remained silent or recharted the conversation to another course but to no avail.  I still got that recommendation to lead a senior high school department.

It just went so fast.  From a simple public school teacher to a state university head of a senior high school.  It wasn't magic.  It was true destiny...I should say.  Since June up to the present, activities kept on going with a team of dynamic and brilliant faculty.  In one of the meetings, one of them mentioned " I have been with different leaders in the past, but yours is a unique leadership"(Thanks Ma'am Josan Fermano for this).  I understood well what she meant.  She may have not known this but it led me to tears including another teacher's comment that says "I hope God will use you more in many other ways..."(thanks Ma'am Lelia Nacaytuna).  

Tears fell.  I did not expect that something that I thought I would not like to be, became me few years after I dreaded it.  I felt God's trust given to me through my dean.  I felt empowered and so inspired to reach out.  I felt at times in pain that I had to make painful decisions but I guess, leadership challenges a leader to do unpopular things to correct, make things right, to proactively respond to situations ...all for the greater good of the majority.  

Truly difficult...tough I should say, but I feel God's hand shaping me everyday, the colleagues that I work with and the students that we serve...I may be amazing as perceived by others but I am confident with the grace being entrusted by such an amazing God...


Sunday, June 26, 2016

Balancing Work and Family Life

Meetings at work ...and reading session and play time at home with my daughter
My current work designation is Head/ Principal (that is how it's commonly called)  of Senior High School of a State University.   The work assignment was given to me last April, 2016.  I was up for the challenge.  The months of April and May were spent preparing for the opening of a new school year 2016 - 2017 - hiring new faculty, facilitating orientation - the senior high school program, manual for operations, designating faculty members for subject area coordinator.  I also ran meetings, big assemblies, extended training with a team of speakers/ facilitator to the state university external campus, monitoring implementation, wrote many letters requesting for approvals, faced interview in a television network, joining meeting called by the mayor's office and so many more.

The main point is, my life changed as fast as that from a university professor in the field of psychology (though I am still handling the subject) to the nitty gritty of leading the senior high school.  Thus, the usual, going home from work has changed from leaving home so early to coming home at night.  The pressures at work has consumed me that at one point I had to decide to be off from work for a day just to take a rest and just be with my little girl.  

There are sacrifices to do.  I have to always remind myself to balance work and family life.  At my end, I feel that when I am home, it means really home and not touch any of my work.  There are weekends when I just have to linger with my husband and daughter ...mostly with my daughter.  Though I have time with my husband sometimes watch movie together and eat out.  But I always think bringing along my daughter and of course really doing it.  

I had to make time.  To consciously make time for my family.  My daughter is such a sweet girl and I feel her when she just wraps her arms around me, clings for few minutes and totally feel her longing of my presences.  The brief moment we have and my husband is such a beautiful wonderful time that I could simply be lost and forget about work. Thank you God for the simple love and gift of family.

Truly balancing entails conscious effort but it is never such a struggled stride.  Just a transition from the busy work to the most comforting loving home you gave me and my family.:-)

Saturday, April 23, 2016


I wrote the article below months ago which I decided not to post yet due to lack of meat in its goes...

One student approached me in panic about not being able go take his midterm exam.  The first reason he presented was due to being late during the exam so he did  not push through in entering the classroom.  I told him about valid reasons that are being considered.  And he added " oh i brought my sibling to the hospital".  That part i thought he was already lying.  And I said, "the answer is No".  

In the afternoon, he visited me at the office and brought a copy of the student handbook of the university.  He must have thought I did not know the policy.  Truly, I felt insulted by that but still, I got his copy and showed it to my colleague.  I felt his panic though, I still said "no".  Policies are there to guide, yet in the  end, it will always be the teacher or instructor's discretion to allow the student to take or not.  What was not tolerable if I may stress my point on my resistance is the obvious lies being piled up to make it appear convincing.

Another incident yesterday during my first period class was with another student who came inside my class who I hardly knew to belong to my class.  I immediately blurted upon her entry " are you my student?  you don't look familiar",  She stated that she was only absent for a week before the midterm.  But I could not be wrong.  My class is relatively small.  There are less that 40 of them and some are absent.  Since she did not take the midterm exam,  I could not allow her to join that session so I told her to meet me after the class at the office.  

When we talked, the best and striking part was seeing her reaction when I showed her the attendance. She gave me that pale face with a look of disbelief and embarrassment.  She only showed up during the prelim.  From that she blurted " i thought ma'am you are not checking the attendance".  Since I caught her in that lie,  She still asked to take the midterm exam.  And I finally ended our discussion with the statement "my decision is final, you are dropped in my class".  Though she uttered reasons such as she worked up to 12 midnight and that it was difficult to come by as early as 7:30 am, I had to be firm with my decision.  She piled up her lies until she was plainly caught with he facts I presented.

The above are only few of those challenging cases I have encountered, apart from forging of signatures during signing of attendance, enumerated excuses and reasons why not certain things are done.  It would all boil down to taking responsibilities and facing the many challenges of student life.  Excuses and explaining loses the strength and chance of growth.  What these students are afraid of actually is the pain when not being admitted in classes or when teacher says NO to their requests.  They just want to get what they want at the fastest, easiest and most convenient instance.  They just want to get things their way not adhering or submitting to process of the arduous discipline of education.

What can I do then?  I will just have to say it plainly...there are times when I would have to say NO no matter how painful it is to tell my students...THERE ARE RESPONSIBILITIES TO FACE...AND THEY NEED TO LEARN FROM THEM...

PS...the first student I shared...still I gave him his chance for the exam...we discussed...and told him..he did not have tell stories to convince me...the TRUTH is more than enough ...:-)

My Little Girl's Summer Fun

No matter how busy work is for me, I always find and make time for my family, my daughter in particular.  with great leap of joy in my heart that she has started to make friends with neighbor kids (sophie, zy, enjo, pau and tanya), I thought of the many ways to create that venue for these children to have fun.  such as swimming, biking, running around, eating together, walking around the streets, etc.

We have also agreed to a one weekend barbecue and swimming gathering with all of them as agreed by all of the mothers  which  I thought of it as a perfect idea as this would expose more my daughter with socializing with friends.  We also agreed on what food to bring since it would extend up to lunch time bonding.

From mikaela's first experience,  I did not allow her to stay in the water long since I observed her to be so cold already.  I knew then that the she could only sustain few minutes with her teeny winny cutie two-piece bikini hmmmm...She really looked skinny in it.  Anyway, that's what she looked like in that swim.  I knew she need to put on more flesh...what I can do with her feature...she is all vege diet rarely blended with meat.

Anyway, the weekend that we agreed to have that party gathering was postponed as some of her friends could not make it due to health condition.  I pray that all of them shall be well by the next weekend to push through with the fun fun time with my girl and her friends...:-)

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Less Material Possessions is More Freedom - by Falan Storm

I got the title from my 3-minute retreat material (www.loyolapress,com).  Let me quote further the article which states that “  Sound strange? (the title).. when we depend on God for what we truly need, we discover an inner freedom, which is God’s gift.  Recognizing our dependence on God frees us from working so hard to accumulate things that we can’t take with us when we die.  The only treasure worth working for is the Kingdom of God.  Nothing else matters.”

Truly the statement is strange yet  I found great treasure of truth in it.  With all the “lies” going on around us everyday such as getting more and be popular, be in the spotlight by highlighting all our accomplishments, I get to feel a momentary happiness at being acknowledged.  I am not even certain of the word “happiness” if I could ever use it with what I feel.  I just feel strange at it. 

The drive to do something at this time in my life has a lot to do with my little girl.  I feel like working so hard to secure her future.  She is just 3 years old and I am not even comfortable talking about death as it means  permanently leaving her. You see I have to gather my courage to state death.  But looking at it makes me think more of simplifying life. 

But how could less material possession mean more freedom? As I look at it, more of it means attachment.  More of it would make us more attached to earthly life…and fear death more.  Simplifying life would mean unattached and so we can just leave anything anytime.  It would also mean trusting God more to take care of those we left behind. 

That’s the greatest freedom of all.  And we can all the more be free to extend ourselves without really focusing on giving material things.  As it is true that any gift is a symbolic representation of the self.  But then still the greatest giving that the bible stated is the gift of self.

When my mother died, I thought of God as being punitive.  I thought He took away the one that I love so much.  Yet at the moment, my mother’s death turned out to be that “seed of heroism”,  a shedding of a blood for the one she loves.  Her death turned out to be the greatest growth and purification of my person.  From her death, I learned to live life acknowledging the fact that our life is not permanent.  I looked forward to living my life well as my own mother lived her life well training and shaping us in love and sacrifice through her mission - motherhood. 

We didn’t have much of materials possessions.  My mother’s simple desire was to own a small house and see her children finish their studies.  When she died, she did not have the second one in me yet.  I was then struggling over her death that I thought of dropping out of school.  But then I felt her everytime I would think of giving up.  I thought of a mother who never gave up on praying and hoping despite physical distance.  I felt her strong faith in God. 

Her last statement before her death “ please take care of my sons and daughters” was still her concern prior to her last.  Yet at this time in my life, I know in my heart, that she truly stored her true riches.  Her letting go and embrace death was her total surrender and submission to God’s will for us as a family.  She did not spend her days on earth storing materials possessions.  She spent most of her time loving us so heaven can be hers. 

She had to go as God commanded.  God found her so free to go…:-)

Reference : 

Friday, February 12, 2016

My First Book "Preparing You for the World of Work" Now For Sale

It is my desire to launch the of now...this is all I could to introduce the book:-)  ...the photo of the soft launching for my students first book entitled "Preparing you for the World of Work"  is now for sale.  This is a dream come answered prayer... and a desire fulfilled...despite the many challenges I encountered in producing the book.  When I showed a copy  to some colleagues prior to this declaration, I felt the soaring inspiration to simply let it out...It was an overwhelming grace coming from God...Amen. 

The following is THE INTRODUCTION of the book :  

When I taught Career Guidance for one semester in the Graduate school, I was desperate with leveling topics to our culture.  At the end of that semester, I thought of writing one.  I lined up inclusive topics in the table of contents only to end up with the feeling of a ”lack of meat” in its content.  It was still highly technical, that I could hardly relate with it.   

I left it untouched for almost five years only to realize that my own experiences with different workplaces would be my springboard to picking up that same dream to write.  This time the writing would be filled with experiences, insights and simplicity so as readers may easily grasp the simplest and basic life ingredients that they might be able to use as they plunge into their respective workplaces.
So thankful to my models :  Alfie Jay D. Alforque and Kristine Camille T. Macesar
and to the very talented cover designer :  Maria Cecilly S. Enerio and the smart editor Ms. Christine J. Arjona:-)

There is one major twist though, this book will not really go into the technical of career path and choices.  Instead, it includes good values and the preparation for the world of work. 
Aside from relating this book to the Philippine setting, this is a product of those moments of desperation relative to the many challenges I have encountered in the workplaces I have been in both the academe and the corporate.  Thus, this book also intends to help – beginners for their start up, those that have engaged themselves already with work and the older and more experienced ones in their practice of their profession.  Truly an ambitious pursuit yet I cannot just wonder the rest of my life and look back and say ”what if I pursued publishing that...”

You may think that I am an expert myself.  I do not claim of any sort.  But if you would ask me if I like what I did with my jobs,   I had the passion, and I felt  I soared and expanded my horizon in all aspects of my person.  

I was also a neophyte  to leadership in a big corporation handling training and people development.  I can hardly boast of any track record with leadership. I would readily cover my face if I would face upfront with “seasoned” ones.  So you may think what I am up to writing a book with my background?

To simply answer that, I am writing based on experiences with work and with my extra, ever expanding vision with what I saw and learned from my workplaces.  The disposition to open myself to any learning experience brought forth this piece.  As a trainer, I have compiled a great deal of notes on different topics from where participants of the training have responded to and fully participated in by bringing out their own experiences that added new insights to what I have. 

Soon enough I thought  what can be more helpful than putting everything together - notes and experiences in a book that anyone could run to if he needs anything that could help shape and guide his path to the practice of his own profession that is deeply grounded on good values and formation.

Again, this book is simply written.  Language used does not have the jargon in any field.  When there is as quoted, it is simplified so as to reach out to a vast number of readers.  Moreover, this book does not attempt to compete with those written with the technical terms in Human Resource or Career Guidance. 
The highlight of this book is on FORMATION OF VALUES.  Since everything that I saw to be very essential to working highlights commitment to work,  personal attitude and people we are relating with everyday.   Everything boils down to character from the simplest individual to those taking the highest position in any organization

So hop in and journey with me as I open the doors from the preparing the self , engaging, grounding and grilling to the ultimate goal of truly serving God through others...without counting the cost.

As the beautiful blessed Mother Theresa of Calcutta put it, ”Many people mistake our work for our vocation.  Our vocation is ...the Love of Jesus.”

For orders Contact us at :

I poured my heart out in this project...I am confident by the help of God's grace that will soar high wherever you are in your own career...God bless you all!  My love and prayers...

Glenda "Dang" Demata- Libed:-)

Thursday, January 21, 2016

The Grace Called "TIME"
I was searching for answers about scattering my energy in so many different ways that I felt exhausted and misdirected.  At first, I felt like I have accomplished many things as I ran through my checklist ( that is the planner in me that can't help without jotting down things to do in a day).  Still I felt like I still lack the time to do many things.  

Today, while discussing with a colleague named Suzy, she simply stated "perhaps you can ask for the grace of TIME".  That statement was like a spark in the middle of a long search.  Months have passed and I felt like everyday, I lack the time to write.  I did what I had to do at work but I always felt at the end of the day to have lacked the time to write for this blog site.  

What made me write in the past was that sort of "6th sense" in me to be able to assess an experience during the day that is worth sharing.  And I seemed to have lost that part when I could easily position myself in front of the computer and simply ...write.  So I became a "walking writer" inside my head running words as if I was writing them.  Everyday, is like a repetitive silent discourse running inside my head.  It was kind of noisy inside.  I always thought of writing them but to my dismay.  I always landed in bed tired and woke up the following day with regret at not doing it. 

Today, thus is a strong resolve to go back to writing.  My friend Suzy simply defined that grace which I need to have - "Time".  I felt like I wasted so much it months back.  I thought I did what was essential.  I did my job at work ...I think I see it...but God wanted to engage me more (as I see it since I felt bothered with not doing it) with His work at sending message...This time, I feel I am doing it right...

My prayer to God from this day forward is that He will give me that grace ....called "TIME" to focus on the essential part of this mission...:-) Amen...

PS: My thanks to Ma'am Suzy for that spark of "wisdom" today.  Perhaps you my friends could ask the same to God for yourself ...:-) what do you think and feel about it? 

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

My Blog Site Turns 5 Joyfully Hopeful Years

I actually forgot posting this.  I wrote this article months back to acknowledge an initiative that I thought would not reach as far as 5 years.  Actually it brought me tot ears realizing that writing was actually my passion and I have not really acknowledged it until more than 5 years ago when I got inspired by a Jesuit priest Fr. Frank Savadera, SJ. 

Years passed swiftly.  I never expected it would "survive" and reach 5 years  (last August 2015). It was a simple journey of an unexpected hmmmm or shall I say "accidental" writer who just wanted to express some significant parts of the journey...which may and can perhaps be a message of inspiration to others.  

You may  ask "what do you mean by huge success?"... Well, my blog site never received highest point / rate in terms of those who drop by here and read.  Mine does not have the perfect grammar and sentence construction as you may have discovered them in my writings.  Mine is not even consistent in terms of publishing my writings regularly.  Moreover, as far as I know, nobody has written (except some few close friends- my "mutual admiration club" hahahhaha) a formal review about the contents of this site so that I would know how it affected them and some people.

Success thus, refers to the truest and sincerest self I had / have that does the writing despite the long moths of silence and the persistence to still stick with the journey of writing.  Success at my end does not follow some standards from the perspective of others. Success simply means just being my true self who captured some moments of sparks in a day and translated them into words.  However others perceived this site is no longer my concern.  There may be times that I thought of turning this one "off".  But still the grace remains to allow silence to occur to make my heart ripe to go back to writing.

I still thank God more than anything in this world to have still reminded me that I still have "this work" to do to continue writing to put my daily journey into writing.  

To me and to this blog site...HAPPY 5 YEARS  despite posting this late...there will be more to come...keeping it alive still by God's surprises and daily "crafting" and grilling through my heart.  

Thank you God!!!!!


I like the most “small and simple”.  It makes life a lot easier.  The irony is that, I have the most tendency to do complicated things.  To plan out complicated ways of doing things.  To multi task so as to accomplish so much within just as short span of time.  And I always find it so tiring pursuit.  Still, a lot of times, I do them over and over again until it breaks me and wellbeing combined.  I become rugged also with how I think until I noticed yesterday that I struggled with they way I said things and presented ideas to my students. 

Actually, I got the title above from a youtube Christmas movie.  A phrase stated by a mother entitled “Tis the Season for Love”  (  The story goes with the idea of chasing one’s dreams in the city as Broadway performer yet there was a struggle with getting the spot in the show.  When the main character decided to go home for Christmas, she found herself so at home and felt peace with what she was doing.  Special love interest brought her closer to search of finding herself.  And, the idea of the “small and simple “ came in as stated by the mother. 

“The Small and Simple”.  Yes, this one hit my heart so hard.  It always brings me back to the basic.  First application that I thought of is with my students.  I always tell and remind them about using simple words when they deliver their report.  The simple words that would make them be understood by their classmates since they have the tendency to move away from the essentials of the content. 

Second, is in facilitating discussions during workshops, trainings, conferences, etc.  I have to prepare a guide to focus on what is again essential.  I also have the tendency to “roam around” and drift away from the topic.  My skill in facilitating springs from the inner / gut feel that discussion may go far if I don’t do something to refocus or lead the discussion to the right direction.  I just have the inner sense about things to simply focus and look at the simplest and basic.

Lastly, being so busy at work, always reminds me that I have a family to go home to.  A husband and a very playful girl that waits for mommy to play and snuggle with.  For more than 5 months in my current job as a university instructor, exposes me with varied things on the job.  I felt the soaring excitement from day 1 until the moment.  But beyond busy work life on the day to day basis is a reminder …always a reminder that the smallest and simplest that I could do is to go home to my family and just be myself.   The “small and simple” for me is that which is so close to my heart.  Family.  The “Small and simple” …that is where my heart is….FAMILY.