I thought of those times when i wanted to give writing a big shot. When i started to scribble and frame my thoughts, what i got was a product of intellectual discourse of some "inner dialogue" of rationalization. The mind worked. But it never really reached as far as the heart. You know why? I crafted my words and line but it did not bring me to my destination that is...making my words salable to my readers and really touch their hearts.
Time came when experiences were quite overwhelming. And so, words just came out pure, raw, swift and natural that sometimes editing was equivalent to loosing the feeling and essence that accompanied the experiences. I did not have to use thesaurus or find heavy words to compete writers of the "old" (i meant - the greats and experts:-). I realize that i just have to craft my heart through my pen, heheh este computer's keyboard. And then, what I thought to be natural and simple, captured my audience. I realize that it is in the simplest of words that is most appreciated.
Undoubtedly, this is why Bo Sanchez is currently the second highest seller at National Bookstore (latest survey release February 2011). He uses simple language and reaches a whole wide audiences.
You know why? Because the heart uses simple words - its real and true language.
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