Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Starting to Pick up

I woke up this morning with a new zeal, refreshed from the days of restlessness. I tried to figure out how life has been. I felt that i needed the break to pick up. Looking back (for more than a month now), the following have transpired:

1. questioned my work engagements(over and over again)
2. wanted to quit
3. I have met people whom i consider a big disgrace why they should have to be born to make lives of others miserable (but even that, i chose not to be a victim)

But despite of that, blessings were pouring in such as:

1. opened up my t shirt business
2. continued my consultancy, trainings and counseling business
3. did a beautiful project with mike
4. niece guia came in to join me in the house (which made life easier for me)
5. figured out how i could improve my entrepreneurial capacity
6. involved myself with the Truly Rich Pinoy Website which brought me several books to dig into for me to learn and improve my financial IQ
7. Figured out my passion : writing and relating with people
8. Learned that i have a choice in every situation
9. Learned that everything is grace and that even the most painful situation can bring in the most of life's learnings
10. I admit that Dr. Wayne Dyer brought in wisdom of living which started when i was about to leave the United States in 2009.

And my, i realize, there is more to life as blessing than perceiving it as "not worth living"...

Sail on Dang...pick up and live...:-)

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