Passion, Potential and Purpose. That's what the three P's stand for. They are not originally mine. I got them from a famous preacher, author and writer Bo Sanchez (great writer). He has not completed the three topics yet in his blog site ( But I feel I'll do my own reflection here from his writing. I and my husband are followers to this great man because he makes so much sense in a lot of ways. Very gifted:-)

From my standpoint, I was led to explore mine through a Jesuit priest named Fr. Frank Savadera, SJ. He had this sort of subtle way of telling me to start blogging. Over and over again I resisted the idea.
Since my college years, I was into giving talks and facilitating trainings and workshops. I wrote and prepared lots of them too. I started to get the hint that when I see a need, I can readily respond to it by designing something that would facilitate learning. Can you imagine having that "third eye" that sees beyond the physical? That is what I have.
One time in college I joined a seminar with Fr. Bulatao, SJ from Ateneo de Manila. He just sort of mentioned "Look at your hand (with its movement) says 'I am a teacher'. " In my mind, I ran the question "How can that be? "...I am not a teacher." What I really meant that time was my course was BS Psychology not BS Education ( wisdom crept on me later that I don't have to be a BS Education graduate to be a teacher).
You see, I love standing before an audience (though at first i get cold knees and feet hehehe). But I seem to have a grip of my audience and I felt that I can easily come across and be "lost" with them. I laugh, cry with them, listen to their stories and talk to them even after the seminars, workshops or trainings. I just feel soooo passionate being with them.
Then time came that I did not much of those opportunities to give trainings. Still the desire to reach out was so "alive". I just felt so lost not being able to do what I used to be doing. And when Fr. Frank sort of invited me to write, I slowly responded to it. I felt something ....somewhere within has found a new path to reach out. And I love it....I like so much writing that when I touch the keyboard on my computer, it would lead me to write and write and write...and write (hahaha OO nga write...:-).

That's why right now I am still writing. And don't get to pressure myself to produce articles with overflowing heavy words that a reader need to have on his side a dictionary or thesaurus. Hahaha I don't want to burden my audience in that. Those who are really great writers and editors may say that I write so free and spontaneous that a lot of editors may perhaps give up on editing my work:-(. But thanks be to God...if someone would really come and truly commit doing the "forest-like" (if there is such a word) writing that I have...hahahha...
One day in a not so remote past, I thought I could compile my notes and publish a book. One thing also that grew with my writing was faith. Faith that anything is possible with God. I just sort of feeling it that I am slowly aligning myself to my own calling - my Purpose .

Who among us does not want to be acknowledged anyway. I love it. In fact my facebook account sometimes or a lot of times is my venue to be acknowledged and I am able to do the same acknowledgement to my friends. Again, I love the attention. But my core gift that is writing...always bring me back to the TRUE message that let God be known sometimes with subtle shades to the most honest to goodness messages that I realize may not be so attractive to those that may still want to stay in grey areas.
I am not perfect in my craft. But I keep on improving. I keep my own "editing" carrying only one standard through the question "Am I truly sending the message?".
Did I fail in sending "the MESSAGE". A lot of times I did. But I did try to send even in the subtlest article I write to send HIS MESSAGE.
PS. One time in the past, I was so anxious at the thought that maybe only few will read my book or books...hahah but I then I shun it off saying and as simple as ..."It does not matter...I will just send the MESSAGE:-)"
Hey...I am posting below Bo Sanchez blogs site on the following topics: (just click the links)
1. Passion :
2. Potential :
3. Purpose...we will all wait for the third piece :-)