Mommy Lyleen (my friend and colleague) tells a story of her son Nico. One day, with mommy Ly's clogged nose, she was using inhaler to ease out the discomfort. She then called her son to make him smell too but an unexpected and unlikely response was made by her son. He let out his tongue....hahahahha what was that about? He thought that it was a push pop (a push pop is a candy friendships).
What do you think oldies? hahahhahhaha
A child is a child and he/she responds according to what he/she sees. My point here is spontaneity. In this site i have all the freedom to explore. Thanks to mommy Ly and Nico for bringing in the material for me to write today. Innocence and spontaneity. This is what this article is all about.
Let us first explore the world of a child. Char!!!! (just an expression) i don't really have the command of everything or knowing everything of a child but i was once a child - a naughty one. A child responds according to what he / she sees. When you ask him/ her to say something contrary to what he / she observes, he would automatically repute and say ..."no that is not what i saw...etc.". Oh diva would be left embarrassed.
An adult, acts contrary to the world of a child(though some of us may be child like pareha nako bwaaaaaaaaahhhaahahhaha kill me hahahhah) . Through the many conditionings and influences through the years we have put up a "new image" of ourselves. Perhaps something that may be acceptable to our own circle or what the world expects us to be. And if we dig deeper, they leave a gnawing cry inside. The real child wants so much to come out. To be free. To be real. To be accepted as he / she is. We all want to be "out". But we all want to be "clean". To edit things about us so that the world will receive us.
From experience, i became tired of that. I just cried out one of my beautiful days in the past...THIS IS IT ...I WANT FREEDOM.........charing ....char char and charot.
Well perhaps we can decide to be like Nico's spontaneity and innocence. I love children. And i like to be child-like... spontaneous, trusting and perhaps i could have their innocence and wisdom...:-) How is that?
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