Saturday, July 2, 2011

Let the Reason be Love

As i browsed the web this morning, I suddenly heard the painful cry of a dog...just in front of the building. It gave me a shriek sound and cry. With all honesty I don't want to hear or see anyone or any animal in pain. I don't want to hear anyone or see on television anyone get hungry. In short, i just don't want to see anyone suffer. That's why my small gesture of feeding stray dogs and cats and make them drink water everyday is like my unconscious desire to at least alleviate suffering even with animals.

The other day, i browsed through the web and read through blog / news in Korea that mentioned of the cancellation of a dog meat festival. The cancellation was due to an outcry of an animal rights movement in the same country. I was like "what the heck are these people thinking?". And someone commented in that blog post that these dogs innocently trust their masters so much but they don't know that they're going to be "converted" (hahaha what a word) into meat.

As a dog / animal lover, i could not really grapple such act of killing particularly dogs. Or I heard of a massive killing of dogs in Canada after the last winter Olympic. I just don't like it when anyone would kill dogs or cats...period (double heheh)and gross...humans.

Checking myself on this, I am throwing the question "how do you find yourself and your acts causing pain to anyone not only physical but emotional?".

I have met varied personalities and it surprises me how some of them just naturally inflict pain to others. And the worst is that, they are not aware that they caused it. At times it surprises me. But a lot of times I bring myself to the consciousness that they come from different backgrounds. But calloused as they are they continue living the life of insensitivity.

Anyone may punch me on the face for being so honest with my comment that causing others to suffer is not at all the plan God has for all of us. I admit there are times when pain is necessary. When we have to confront someone for them to know that what they did was not right. In fact i find this very challenging. And so it is always my prayer that I would be very honest and stick on facts and base them on love. That is - God's love.

God's grace led me to ask "if God is in this situation what would He do?". Imperfect as I am, I had difficulty asking the same question since it would demand - doing. I would say also that when we are not ready to confront that question, it would be very hard just even to state it. That's why i call it ...grace.

This blog will just post one challenge... LET YOURSELF BE NOT THE CAUSE OF SUFFERING OF OTHERS...if in case it does happen, let it be a necessary pain of correcting someone ...and let it be done in LOVE...

May GOD'S LOVE be with us always...Amen

PS...Wherever you are planted / assigned by God through the practice of your profession or full time mother, father GOD'S representative, His image in such an ailing world...just do it..God's grace be with you everyone...

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