Monday, November 25, 2013


just downloaded this from the net...ew  hehehe 
His name is Father Adam (hmmm I think I just have to ask for his permission to put his full name which up to this writing I have not asked yet).  He is a Spiritan pritest.  Actually, it was  the first time that I heard of his Catholic Congregation – Spiritan.  It was named after the Holy Spirit – the third person in the Blessed Trinity (as stated in the Catholic Doctrine.

Why am I writing about him?  I really find him standing “tall” and different among us aside from the fact that he is a foreigner.  I got to know him from two of my classes in my post graduate studies.  He gives straightforward answers to the questions of the professor.  He told the class also that he is assigned at a very far barangay from where majority of the people that live there are Muslims.  He stated further that he had to walk many kilometres in order to reach the place.  And in one of those candid moments, he asked (from where I thought at first that he was joking) “who among the Catholic priest have done what I did…that was to build 3 mosques for the Muslims” (in his mission area) and  just laughed and laughed. 

He is really candid …and spontaneous (the same meaning ha hehe)…  One time he just stated outright in class that nobody would like him since he is very outspoken and I guess he pointed to the two of us also that sat beside him (hmmm I thought ..talaga si father dinamay ako wheheheh).

Yup…who would ever like someone so outspoken nowadays.  From experience, the most outspoken would serve as representative of the group to speak up on their behalf or will end up being disliked by the management in the workplace for distorting stability and so called “peace” and balance (some kind of a pseudo balance).  But these are people are not afraid to speak about the truth.  In fact a lot of them die early (sssshhhh) just like Jesus (hahhahahah i feel that i have gone very far...what do you think? hehehhehe). 

Jesus was so disliked during his time.  Yet he was so free that nobody could even inflict fear on him.  Even death was never hindrance for him to speak up.  When I heard of Fr. Adam in our class, I thought I have seen Jesus so alive in him.  He was such a free soul inside that priest body.  He was so childlike and so playful.  Even the truth that he blurted from time to time was so swift and crisp that  a lot of us in class fell so silent.  Hmmm and at my end, I was left pondering.  Could Jesus be like this man?  (hahah or the other way around).  I just felt something so different about him.  That is his lack of fear to speak up about the truth. 

I don't really know much about his background.  All I know is that …I have seen Christ in him…in the person of Fr. Adam.

PS…hhhmmm there is one thing that you should know…ohhh he hates Math so much ….howdy hahahhahahah…hmmm but I find him soooooooo smartJ…a “head turner” in class…at that…J May God bless his mission and his congregationJ

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