Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A Looking Back

I was trying to sort my scattered life for atleast a month.  What do I mean by that?  I was into so many things that consumed me and they affected me emotionally.  To enumerate:

     1.      My daughter Maria Mikaela had some bouts of teething discomforts – fever, cough and colds.  A lot of times I panicked.  I do admit she is my greatest weakness at this time.  It brought out most of my talents and skills in taking care of my baby girl.  But a lot of times I felt lost realizing I am still a neophyte parent so I needed the wisdom of the olders ones.  Thank you Lord for the humility to accept my shortcomings

2.     I was in the middle of my preparation for the finals in my post graduate studies.  I was so tensed realizing that it was my last semester for my academics before I hop into my comprehensive examinations and then off for the final phase – dissertation …huh..  I had lots of those late night writings to do and studying.  Miracle of all miracles, I was able to finish them including my three chapters of research for dissertation (not really the final proposal paper but hoping that I would only revise a little from it…yepeeey and shouts for joy).

3.     Work.  Yes, my new teaching job in the public school.  Hmmmm, I was slowly picking up and adjusting with everything.  Thought it was not really such a big struggle but the 8 am change of time in for 2 weeks was such a big shift.  My regular time in is 11 am so at least I would have time to bathe my daughter, change her clothes, feed her, snuggle and just hug…and hug …and hug her… (I love so much to be consumed by her simple so giggly moods.  …sometimes we get to roll at the bed…and tell her lots of those invented stories that I have...).  But work yes.  Thanks be to God that I am picking up and slowly grasping the work culture that’s a lot different while I was in the private academic institution.  Thanks be to God for His constant guidance as I went through the month’s exams, checking of papers and in service trainings and some requirements to submit such as accomplishments for the month.

4.      I was elected President of an Alumni Association.  I was on the verge of giving up actually the position.  A lot of times, when I scheduled a meeting, my daughter’s health concern took over and I would rattle myself and cancel the schedules.   I felt guilty of the many things that could have been done.  Nevertheless, I declared that I could give it up for family…for my daughter.  She comes first.  Hmmm still waiting for my final declaration….in time…I will.. God help me.

Now I have another declaration…to keep this blog site alive.  I may not be writing a lot of lengthy blogs though but I will keep this alive though God’s grace and guidance.  Hmmm I seem to have felt my silence…slowly picking up …Thank you dear God.:-)

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